Jonas 3.13, 150G of Miracles fun

oj I have had this reefing addiction for almost 20 years now and on two separate occasions after adding live rock to a existing stable tank I have lost the entire tank. That may not be what has happened to you but go back and look at the timing. A+ to your documentation and pics, great job.
oj I have had this reefing addiction for almost 20 years now and on two separate occasions after adding live rock to a existing stable tank I have lost the entire tank. That may not be what has happened to you but go back and look at the timing. A+ to your documentation and pics, great job.

The last live rock that was added to the tank was added about 16 months ago (before most of the livestock was added). Not sure that would create an issue today?
Your are right, it probably would not. This is what happens when you read an entire thread in one evening. It makes it seem like it just happened.
I had some turbo snails that was releasing some milky white stuff that clouded my tank. It looked almost the same way.
Went to one of my LFS today in search for a blue Linckia starfish. They did not have one but I ended up with three frags instead. (You can't just visit a LFS and not buy anything, right?)

Picture proof below. The unknown SPS looked like a thin version of the Strawberry shortcake but not sure they are related. Will see what it will look like once it colors up in my tank.




The tank is doing well again. Whatever caused the cloudiness have not done it again and no fish or coral got hurt from what I can tell. Most of the corals that took a big hit during my mess over the summer have now finally started to come back. Not sure if it is because I have managed to keep the main parameters where they should be better lately or because I am dosing trace elements more frequently or because I am feeding more coral food to the tank. Maybe, and more likely, a combination of them all. Still have a long way to go before I am back to the health point the tank had just before the crash but the trend is definitely pointing towards the right direction.
Placed an order earlier today from BRS with a lot of supplies that are running low (2-part, carbon and GFO, DI-resin etc.) but more important, a second MP40. Finally will the tank get the flow it deserves. Shipment should be here Thursday. Can't wait.
Yesterday was a pre-Christmas here when the BRS package arrived with all the goodies. Installed the MP40 last night and have it running anti-synced towards my existing MP40 controlled by my Apex. Huge difference in flow and i can see more polyp extension on some of the SPS. Will be interesting to see how they all look in a couple of weeks.


Here is a better view of the Orange Tree Gonipora coral where all the polyps are out. Unfortunately "slightly" out of focus. Really need to mount this guy over the weekend. So hard to get them to stick to the rocks using glue. Any suggestions?

Don't think I have posted a picture of this guy. Not sure what it is, brain coral or Acan or favia? Either way it is a good looking one and can't wait for it to grow out some.

Finally a picture of my Green short tentacle plate coral that finally is back to green color again. Does anyone know what the "protruding growth" on the other side of the center (and also at other places, especially where the sand is stuck to it) would be. Is it splitting or something else?
Picked up a few new pieces over the weekend. Mostly in the $10-$20 sections.

The first two on Saturday. Looks a little rough and party dead but figured for $10 I may be able to save them.


Today I picked up the following two from a different store. Told myself after my last Torch died that I would not get into those kind of corals again since I never have any luck with them. Since that I have started to feed the tank much more, especially coral food, so figured I would give it another shot. I always liked how the Octospawns looked like, but this will definitely be my last try.

A SPS I picked up from the same store today.

Finally a couple of more pictures of my awesome Orange Tree Gorgonian.


The MP10 I have on my fuge stopped working today. Might have to take it apart and see what is going on inside. Looks like the motor want to start but gets locked up, even without the wet side connected. Fuge should be fine until then with less flow than normal.
Got some new frags from a local reefer a couple of days ago. Still acclimating them. Not sure about the names so if anyone has any ideas please let me know.



Decided to try to cut off a dead part (overgrown with algae) on my green Bali Slimer. Did not go as planned and a big piece fell off. Glued it at a different place and hope it will take off on its own. Will also be interesting to see when and how quick it will color back up again. Right now most of the polyps are white due to being faced away from the lights the way it was growing originally. Think I will try to relocate it again to one of the highest spots in the tank and see if it will like that spot better since I have read that Bali Slimers do like a lot of light and usually grows in very shallow areas in the ocean.


I have finally, after about 6 months in the tank, started to see some new growth from my Orange Digitata. Hope this is another sign that my changes lately are doing good things for the overall health of the tank.


Will post a fuge picture soon, just need to do some maintenance there, clean out some "weed" etc. The MP10 also failed beyond repair so need to get a new power head for the fuge.

No real updates to report besides doing some major water changes/cleaning and getting a few new SPS frags from an early Black Friday sale a few days ago at my LFS. While doing water change and had all pumps turned off I took the opportunity to take some top down shots.

First out however are my two RBTA that last night for some reason decided to do some sort of dance together. They were puffed up almost identical. Never seen them do that before.

Here are the top down shots.








Anyone have any recommendations for a return pump upgrade? My current RLSS DC-6000 has become way too unreliable for me to trust it anymore so I need an upgrade. I want something more reliable (preferable DC is possible but not a must) and something that pushes more water as I am not happy with the flow at the moment.

Any recommendations?
Update time. Been in Europe for the last two weeks and the tank has been more or less on auto pilot. Had a good reefer friend stop by a couple of times to check up on things etc. For the most part it went well but had another stall with my return pump. This is getting really ridiculous. Talked to the store where I bought the pump and they sent me a replacement impeller. Installed it yesterday and only time will tell if it will fix the issue temporarily or more long term. A new better return pump is still on the list of things to get soon.

What did not hold up as well as the main tank was my QT with the two SA Gold Striped Maroons and the juvenile Yellow Eye Kole tang. The water had a "nice" brown color to it. Had gotten reports that there might only be one fish left alive but did see all three in there so that was a good sign. Did not want to leave them in the dirty tank for too long so planned and executed the transfer to the main DT where they happily are swimming around now.







And finally a new FTS.
Finally decided on a new return pump. Just placed an order for a Fluval Sea SP4 pump. Got good reviews and seems to be reliable. SHould be delivered on Friday.
The new return pump arrived late last week and installed it today. Had to redo some of the plumping since the new pump had a smaller output than the old one (3/4" vs. 1" ID). So far the new pump is working great. A little more flow than before and just as silent. The idea of a DC pump was nice but in practicality I did not gain anything more than issues. Think that the DC pumps still have some ways to go.

Below is a photo showing the size difference between the new pump (the one to the right) and the old RLSS DC pump.

Tank is running well now. All parameters are stable for the most part and have tried to keep my hands out from the tank.

Had an interesting spawning even happening last week where all 4 of my Astraea Turbo Snails went up to the water line at the same time and started to squirt what I assumed was eggs into the water column (and outside of the tank from a few of them with bad aim). Went on for a couple of hours and then they all went back to their regular business. Fish went crazy and tried to eat as much as they could. Free coral food as well.

Played around with the macro lens a couple of nights ago and ended up taking a whole lot of pictures. Figured I would post them here. Will try o do a growth compare soon as well. Enjoy.









