Jon's 37g


New member
I finally got around to looking at some of the pictures I took when I moved my 37g tank over to it's new stand (Feb 23 - Mar 3). I'm hoping to get more pictures uploaded (possibly over the weekend) on the overall build of the stand as well as the new setup in general.

In the meantime, hopefully this picture will do ...

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="DSCN1533" /></a>
Just about ...

I think my alk is a little off, so I'm working on getting it adjusted. Of course, my test kit is two years old so I don't know how much faith to put in it either. Anyways, once my alk's okay, then I'll really start loading it up ( yeah right, it took me how long to get this far? :D )

I'm looking forward to stocking it, that's for sure.

I've got a couple small anemone's in there now; two small GBTA clones (split during the move) and a medium sized RBTA. The two GBTA's are about the size of a silver dollar or so and haven't moved since I put them in the new setup. I'm still waiting on the RBTA to settle down. It's in a new spot every day. I'm hoping that once I get my alk figured out it'll find a semi-permanent spot, preferably one near the front of the tank. Once that happens, then I'll be on the lookout for some zoa's and ricordia's.