Jose7878 upgrade

Alright small update started to build the canopy framed and skinned. Now the doors have to be built and do the trim. Then comes the staining.

Here's a pic of the tank nothing special....
72L x 18W x 27H W/dual overflow box 2 11 drains and 2 1" returns
The blue paint was scraped already it will be repainted in black..

It seems you'll need a bigger tank with the size of that yellow fish
Well today did a little shopping...... Hehehe....
Picked up 2 pails of coral pro salt , 200lbs of aragonite , 3 sticks of epoxy glue , a new API reef test kit , some loctite super glue for fraging , 3 - 24" super actinic t5 bulbs and 1 - 24" actinic white t5 bulb

Well I got the tank , stand and canopy together.

Hopefully this weekend I will start to tear down my 90 cause the 150 is taking its location.
I like the stain you went with on your stand and can see and appreciate the wood lines. Exciting times for you I can I magine
Went out yesterday and picked up a rubber storage container so that fish and corals have s holding area until I put their new home together.


Here are some random pics of the tear down of the 90 gal.

Start of the draining process

Fish,corals ,LR removed

A empty 90. Woo Hooooo

I Will be selling the 90 once I clean it , the funds of the sale will be going to a Apex controller.
Here's the corals and fish in their temporary home for a month until the 150 is ready for them.


Going to have to start a sale thread with all the frags I have now. LOL
Since the old tank was removed it gave me a opportunity to move some outlets to new locations.
Also gave me opportunity to give the wall a new coat of paint "what the hell lets do home improvements as I'm doing the tank" LOL.
Jose, after seeing the progress over the last few weeks, I'm more glad every day that my tank went to a good home. Keep it up!:thumbsup: