Jose7878 upgrade

Got the plumbing done last night , that was pretty simple to do.


Cleaned a 120lbs of aragonite reef substrate which gave me a 4" sand bed. Washing the substrate took just under 2hrs to do.

Then in my little girls words "then there was AQUA"

Now comes the aquascape.
So I have been pretty busy on the tank this week. I started to do my aquascape , but I need to buy more LR . A member from a differ forum told what he did to his tank, which was he used milk crates to start the Skelton of the tower. But for my tank the crates were a little to big so I had to cut and zip tie them back together. .



The way I attached the LR was I drilled them then zip tied them
Im using a 55 gal tank for my sump which is 21" high . I put the 55 under the stand and it just left room to tinker under. As I started to think what I could do , so being in the tile industry I have a glass cutting blade on my grinder that cuts glass tile. So I decided to risk cracking the 55 gal instead of buying a new sump. Got the grinder and my water hose to keep the water on the glass blade so as I'm grinding the glass the glass won't get hot and crack.

The first cut so far so good

First cut complete and no broken tank , three more sides to do

All four sides cut. Success.

Now I have a sump that is 12x 48 x 16
Put the trim back on and did the baffles. Now time to wait a few hours and water test it.

Jose, I was just thinking...even if you took the 30 breeder I had it wouldn't fit under the stand since it's as wide as the display. Oh well.

I still think the SRO XP2000 will fit in the sump though.
Well had a set back. I had a heater shock the s*** out of my holding tank which pretty much fried almost all my corals. The fish survived . The heater was a Hagen.
Is there a way to stop this from occurring? Is their like a time frame to replace heater?
Well the DT has started its cycle process.

Ended picking this up from Alex T.

This skimmer kick my reef devil ***. This was definitely a great purchase.
The tank finish cycling everything has been transferred over.
My diatom bloom has started hopefully that doesn't last long.

Just a bit of a update. Today a did a day trip to Pacific East Aquaculture with a few fellow reefers. I went to get a tour of the place and to get some Frags. This place is definitely a place to visit if you have a chance. So I picked up a few frags


Okay I went a little over board. :spin3:Lol

I will post pics as soon as they settle in the tank.