Julian Sprung's vs Nori


is a serious goby fanatic
Hello you guys,

I hope this is the right place to post this. I have dealt with you guys a few times and know you to be quite honest about stuff so I thought I'd ask you (also since you sell Julian Sprungs).

Ok so is there a difference between sushi-grade seaweed and Julian Sprung's sea veggies? I know tangs will eat the sushi seaweed, but what I want to know is: is it as nutritous?

My tang HATES Julian Sprung's red seaweed, but eats the green and purple enough that I have to buy one of the large JS seaweed bags about once every week to week and half. And yes, it's only one tang.

I have been seriously thinking of switching to sushi-grade seaweed to save on costs. So is there a difference between the two?

They claim that Sea-Veggies and other aquarium related veggies like this are low in phosphate compared to regular seaweed you would get at the Asian market. I've never made time to test this though because i find it hard to believe they can product seaweed with less phosphate then the ocean can, but never know.

I would say if you are not having any algae problems, it's perfectly safe to feed your fish and would be just as nutritions, my only concerns with using store bought seaweed is phosphate levels, maybe nitrates, so watch those and getting a pure seaweed. If you been to the Asian market, you know they have hundreds of types of seaweed, so finding some that is not salted, soaked with soy sauce, roasted, etc can be difficult. Try to get one that is pure seaweed, sun dried would probably be a good way to go.
