I noticed it say picture taken within 30 days lol .. But I took it a while back just havent posted it so does this count .. if not then i'll just delete it or not count it as an entry lol ..
Thought Id try .. Thanks
not starting trouble but who takes pictures of their tanks every 30 days. Maybe a few of us but not many, I would bet. Or maybe i just haven't and can't enter the contest. that sucks!
not starting trouble but who takes pictures of their tanks every 30 days. Maybe a few of us but not many, I would bet. Or maybe i just haven't and can't enter the contest. that sucks!
I did not think it was that hard to take your camera out of the case, snap a picture of something in your tank, and post it. Seems easy to me. I'm just trying to get some people more active in the contest. If people feel it is a hindrance , then we can change that. I was hoping people would get out their camera, take a picture of subject matter for that month, and post it. Not search through their old computer files looking for a picture that met the subject criteria and post old pictures of things they may or may not even own any more..........
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