just a thought on a 150g I bid on.. and stocking if i get it


New member
I might get a 150g with stand and canopy for $100

(this is almost like lottery dreaming)
I would make it a fowler
1 porc puffer
1 racoon butterfly
1 emporer angel (adult)
1 powder blue tang
1 naso tang
4 yellow tang
1 V lion

is this stock list a lottery dream also or is it realistic
I would add the tangs all at once
if you think its too much, please play with my list
I would just leave off the yellow tangs and it should be good as long as you have kick butt filtration (lot of poopers in that list).
help me with kick butt filteration.
it is not drilled and I was going to just hang a skimmer off the back.
then have a BB with 125lbs or so of LR.
also a ton of powerheads to keep everything stirred up.
what would you suggest?
I cant have an overflow, or I will get vetoed. It has to be silent.
Bergamer nice score dude!

Definatley ur gonna need a kick *** skimmer for those fish.

Good Luck

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6860646#post6860646 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
Deltec baby... Deltec

:eek1: while they are great skimmers, one thousand dollars for a skimmer seems :eek1:
they are expensive but if you cant have any other filter and you are not going to run a sump Deltec maked the best HOB and it only $468
It will take more maintenance, but I would go with a big canister filter (maybe two). Maybe a Fluval 404 or something. That would suck all the poop out, especially if you have enough powerheads keeping it off the bottom.
Screw the powerheads....

You need a decent skimmer and with water changes your straight. Key factor is have enough flow to keep all the water moving.

Buy my 1200-1400GPHcontinous overlfow(50.00) brand new overflow, buy my 60g(30.00) tank<--sump<--you cold go smaller if you want but remember you want fish that poop hella crazy, so last thing you want is poop to settle on the starboard, so youll need water movement, buy my 48 inch PC 240W daylight and actnic buy return pump. Get a SWCD(20.00) with a rio 2100(20.00) for closed loop 2 output(loclines 2.00 each), and viola you got yourslef a a sweet FOWLR


My neighbor has 2 big *** canister filters Cascade 1000, and CSF 395GPH canister...

PM me for the parts ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6860785#post6860785 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bergamer
how would I run that filter without an overflow?
I thought those would have to run from a sump

its Hang On Back so it will sit nicely on the rim of that tank...
sorry, I should have been more clear,
I mean the fluvol 404's.
I can't have an overflow bc it is too noisy and future mother in law can bearly take the noise from the current overflow. (although it does not bother me at all and I don't think it is loud at all)
I was in your same position about 8 months ago. you definately do not want canisters, I did that and now they are sitting in the garage. with that money you use that money to upgrade your skimmer to a deltec HOB. With LR all you need is a skimmer and I highly recommend investing a good amount of money in one.
The Remora Pro is a good HOB skimmer. Certainly not a Deltec but it's also half the price. Paired with the right pump and this skimmer should do the trick on a FOWLR tank.
Do what I have for my big popers, use a swimming pool canister filter. I've got oen made by hayward pool filtes. It flows about 5000 GPH and can be used without drilling or using a sump. :D You just need to find a quiet pump to run it and clean it every couple of days.

To make it work, you put a pvc pipe in teh tank with strainers on it so it dosen't suck in any fish. You coulkd make it a mainafold w/ several intakes. Place that on one side of teh tank. Plumb it up and over the tank and down to the input of the pump. The out put from the filter is plumbed in the same manner back over the tank edge and into the tank on the other end. Again you can use a manifold to disperse the flow. Fill with water and your good to go. You need to put valves on the input and output so that you can isolate it when you need to clean the filters. Works great this way as the guy I got my tank from had it set up that way for several years.

It's amaizing how much stuff that filter can pull out in just a few days. I've switched from the paper filters to a cloth filter that I found on Ebay and it last a lot longer. They are all washable but the paper ones start to come apart after about a month of cleaning with a High Pressure sprayer. ;) The cloth ones don't need the high pressure and after several cycles of rinses and reuse, I just throw them in the washer to get them really clean.

Pic's of the filters

something tells me that beast of a filter paired with that pump is anything but silent.

also, remora pros are LOUD. I have one here on my heavily stocked office tank that is FOWLR and is 100g. I switched the pump to a mag 7 i believe it was and it wet skims pretty good, but the noise it makes is pretty horrific, especially if it were in my house. My 8-2 skimmer with a needlewheel impeller is the quietest thing ive found to date.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6863758#post6863758 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SirLight1337
something tells me that beast of a filter paired with that pump is anything but silent.

Nope. ;)

The filter is quiet, no noise at all. There's no air in it to make noise. :D

The pump that was on it I switched out for a hammerhead. It just has a low hum from the fan running. Fairly quite and you probably wouldn't hear it inside of a stand.

I've got that pump and a jacussi pump for sale too if your interested? ;)