Just an example of a DBTC and what i've been doing


New member
Just an example of a DBTC and what i've been doing


I've done this to a lot of other Zs and Ps like for example, tubbs blues, Devils Armours, Marijanes, Purple Hornets, Blue Hornets, Oxides, SpaceMonsters and others.

To encourage the passing of corals FOR FREE and without any gain and holding those that are given the corals going forward to the same expectations and requirements.
650 was you part of the dbtc thing done with a site out of new york ? i know we sent some stuff out and some people sent stuff here
Very cool man.

I have started some PIF (pay it forward) but it never works out. Glad to see you have some sucess with this.

Now, if I can just get out to the bay area....hehehe.
thanks all , It's nice to see other are also doing this. I wanted to make my DBTC different so that the true intent was reefers giving to each other with out any personal gain yet passing the strain of a good coral around to others and they themselves also do the same and so and so on. NO one gains except the coral that gets distributed, NOT SOLD, HYPED, TRADED etc.
This is a great idea. It used to be like this everywhere. People gave away excess growth of their corals on a regular basis, not for personal gain... :beer:
DBTC requirements can be different and up to whom ever is giving the coral out. Some have a limit of after 3 give aways then that person can then turn around and sell/trade that coral he got for free in the pay it foward/DBTC.

But with my DBTC I set forth different requirements like below

The requirements I have for these guys are.

1. To be grown out only to be given to OTHER REEFERS for DBTC, this piece will be given out as strictly DBTC pass around / grow out. FREE

2. Whom ever it's given to shall also abide by the same requirement and shall put the same requirements to whom ever it's passed down to for DBTC to everyone that gets this polyp and so forth.

2. NOT to be offered for SALE or for TRADE ( I really don't want to see this in Ebay/CL/ coral forums offered for trade or sale. THESE ARE STRICTLY TO BE GIVEN OUT FOR FREE.

3. "If" I ever return to the hobby, I get 1st dibs on frags of this piece.

The true intent of this, is to pass said coral around for free and grow out to be pass again and again with out any personal gain to anyone. It allows the coral to be distributed to lots of reefers for free but with the intention of all that receives said coral to follow/abide by the same rules set forth by the originator of the DBTC coral.

Violate the terms and you'll just look bad to all other reefers and might not get a look when others are offering other corals for DBTC. It's easier to catch this for small local club but for major big places, it's kinda like a trust is given but break it the shame on you.
650 was you part of the dbtc thing done with a site out of new york ? i know we sent some stuff out and some people sent stuff here

I was the guy that coordinated, bagged and shipped those bad boys, even put some of my own corals in there :)
That's pretty cool, I have to say. I'm rather new to the hobby but am amazed how similar the reefing community is compared to the gardening community. Many people do the same thing with plants (growing corals can sometimes seem like growing a plant!

So do you do these locally, or do you ship as well or is it up the individual reefer doing the DBTC?