Great thread.
I've wanted to keep a saltwater aquarium since the 70's. Unfortunately, lack of money, school and work always kept me from my dream.
To keep the dream alive, I've been dragging my old 55 gallon tank that I believe I bought in 72 through several moves over the years.
Finally, thanks to Finding Nemo, my small boys asked for a Salt Water Aquarium last fall. Rather than set up the 55 from scratch, I found a 2.5 year old existing 25 gallon tank.
Now the whole family is bit by the saltwater bug and we're looking to set up a much bigger tank. So big, that the 55 will probably be incorporated as the sump or something.
In hindsight, I wished I would have done it earlier. However, with all the changes in technology and methods, it's been amazing how the hobby has changed.
If Reef Central had a Hall of Fame thread area, yours would get my nomination.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I'm sure your frequent introductions of fresh sea life in your tank has really contributed to the success of your tank. I only live a few minutes away from the beach and always thought it would be good to add some natural water. Unfortunately, based on what all the "experts" have said, I was freaked out about it.
After seeing the success you have had, I'm not going to be afraid to try it.