Just curious


New member
Where is everyone?

Anyone in the tri state area looking for equipment or frags?
Taking the system down after 14yrs, medically cannot take of it
Looking for something just ask I might have it
No on any of those

Calcium reactor and full tank, used about a month and ended up just dosing
The tank and regulator are new and I think I have a new ph probe for it

Take $300 obo for the setup
Where are you located ? May be interested in some frags or corals. Sorry to hear of your health issues. I am also headed in that direction, but decided to go ahead and set-up a smaller 75 gal. It gives me something to focus on in the meantime. I have my tank situated beside my recliner. On the bad days, I can rest in the recliner and just enjoy the tank. I am teaching the other half to care for it as well for down the road.
I'm located in Oak Hill, OH
Well the wife and I talked hard about setting up a small tank but really need to let go of it. We filled in our Koi pond a couple years ago when I was diagnosed.
Your welcome to come check it out

Mostly soft corals and mushrooms, a small patch of who knows what kinda zoos, frogspawn, hammer, kenya tree,leathers 3 types doing great, 1 piece of sinularia
Yup still have a bunch of hardware left, my internet is out at home so please be patient with me as I can only get on @ work
