Just finished 1st red bug treatment


YOU have been ignored!
Well I noticed a few weeks ago I had red bugs all over my blue tipped stag. I guess the contrast between the bugs and the coral made them easy to spot. Those little buggars are TINY. I can see how some might never notice.

Anyways I haven't seen polyps out on that particular coral in months and new something was up. Well a day after treatment I am not seeing signs of polyps from the stag. Cool

I did loose my pepermint shrimp and my acro crabs and a few snails looks like they bit the dust. I haven't really looked to see if my amphipods took a hit but I bet if they did I'll see a bunch of dead ones in my filter sock.

I took pictures of my corals a few days before treatment. I'm going to take pics of them in a couple of weeks to see if I notice improvement in coloration and rate of growth. I've heard that sometimes happen. I didn't notice any of the bugs on any of my other acros but its easy to miss these little suckers...

If you suspect you have em... Treat em... From now on I'm QT'ing everything.