Just got my first zoa frag...

what light are you using? they look very bright and natural in color

Alright, here's that pic.


Comments? Suggestions?
Using a 4x 24watt Aquatic Life fixture. Since I posted, I plucked that leather that was attached to the frag, and treated the frag with Aiptasia X. There were three small aiptasia in the middle of the frag and they were extending out far enough to close up the closest polyps. Not happening. I shot'em with the X and the next day they were gone. Polyps are now fully opened and looking great.

Updated pic for yall. :D

Yeah, I hate those little buggers. I still remember the first one I saw thinking "cool!"... how ignorant was I. LOL!
have u seen any more of the green zoas? if u feel that are properly settled in, perhaps it may be a good idea to frag that individual polyp so it has a chance to increase in numbers. someone chime in an say if this is a bad idea, but it could yield a 2 for the price of one kind of deal
Yeah, that's definitely part of the plan. There are two green polyps and I'm going to take one of the two and see if I can get it going. I love the green ones!
Thanks guys!

Tank is a 29g - Aquatic Life 4x 24w fixture. 2 10K, 2 Actinic, CPR BakPak skimmer. 2 clowns, 1 fire shrimp. I feed the fish once a day, and do a water change once a week. :D
Nice looking zoa's, i do beleive i have the exact same kind as you have here. Not as many polyps though, but i do have 2 green ones in the mix, hopefully mine will take off the same yours has.