Just introduce my first anemone into my tank & it's hiding


New member
I've had my tank for a year and now have all parameters, especially alk & Ca, dialed in. My water is quite clean at a consistent NO3 of .5 and PO4 of .004.

Anyways, I bought a nem this past weekend for my tank and placed it on a rock. Over night it moved to under the rock and into a shaded area. It looks healthy from under the rock. How long should I wait until I should think about moving it or will it move on its own?
Yup, never move the nem. This could result in damage to the foot.
He will wander until happy then stay put.
All normal....welcome to Nems
UPDATE: Now he is still in the same place, but in a little ball. Should I be concerned? Parameters are still good.
Nope I still wouldn't be worried. Nems do what they want. I have a rock flower that to this day(2 years) still hides under a rock overhang.

Unless you see it puking it's guts out(looks as though it's turning inside out), I would not be worried about it at all.

I also would not be trying to feed it either.
What type of nem? I don't think I'd be concerned yet, they can take some time to adjust.

It's just a red BTA

Nope I still wouldn't be worried. Nems do what they want. I have a rock flower that to this day(2 years) still hides under a rock overhang.

Unless you see it puking it's guts out(looks as though it's turning inside out), I would not be worried about it at all.

I also would not be trying to feed it either.

It's just more closed than inside out. Kinda looks like a pimple. I haven't tried to feed it, but I know it gets food when I feed my fish but that's about it.