Just picked up my new favorite zoa!

It's very saddening that equipment to keep these animals alive and healthy go for next to nothing and the animal itself sometimes exceeds the value of critical equipment. Crazy hobby this is.

I'm pretty sure I've seen those cheaper. Now if I can remember who .. congrats on ur purchase.

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It's a salted agave zoa.
That said, they're cool, but don't usually look as awesome as this.
...Hence the hefty price. Lol.
That it is!
I'm lucky enough to live in Orlando, so I can do local pickup and take advantage of good eBay prices.
Winter Park here! I have been looking at their eBay auctions! My local LFS does eBay too and also offers free local pickup!
Khow, I know EXACTLY what LFS you are referring to, and I guarantee that I've bid against you on some items.
...I typically bid on about 30-40 corals a week and win about 2-5.

Easily the best store around.
Have you been there since they knocked down the wall?
i had salted agave in my system but had a pest feast on it and was left with a frag plug. yours definitely looks nicer though. congrats on the new addition.