just to let everyone know


In Memoriam
Just wanted to let everyone know that I got some pretty cool stuff in today and things will keep getting better in the next couple weeks. As it stands now i'm going to be converting one whole coral tank into an sps only meaning i'll have prolly 40 pieces of sps on hand at any given time (this will take a few weeks to happen)

I'm also going to devote an entire tank to clams meaning again i'll have prolly 30 croceas, maximas, deresas and squami's on hand at any given time (this should happen this week)

I also started getting some different fish than usual. The following examples I currently have in stock

yashia white ray shrimp goby (rare)
Scotts Fairy Wrasse super color male
Chevron tangs (juvis)
Achilles tangs (6 inchers)
Blonde Nasos
Purple tangs
Yellow tangs
Queen angels
Show size Emporer Angels

and finally something to take care of pest bubble algea and aptasia
Peppermint shrimp (29 in stock)
emerald crabs

bright orange linkia starfish (reefsafe)

Just trying to give you guys a heads up on whats going to be happening up my way, hope this doesn't offend anyone as I'm not trying to push sales through this site, just letting my fellow hobbiest know that I'm trying my hardest to please everyones needs.

Thanks Ryan (Saltwater Solutions)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8741588#post8741588 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keinreis
hey there is a few tangs marco doesn't have yet!

phhh .. tangs ... who needs those?

ryan ... is the orange linka large, as large as the blue one i picked up? or smaller? either way ... i'll probably take him ... hold him for me? pretty please.
marco i've got 6 to choose from and they are all pretty big, about the size you got or bigger, same price as the blues, i'll save the brightest orange one for you thou