just venting


New member
I ran into some guys I see from time to time. Where I see them is at the grocery store. The reason I know them is because of their rig ,A boat with dive gear and the main thing you see on board is nice spear guns . Usually I dont get the chance to talk to them but today I guess I was early and ran into them in the fruit Isle.I jokeingly asked them if they were going on a killing spree.They said heck ya we kill everything in sight. What in the world is going through peoples minds? Duh lets go out and kill all the big groupers on the wreck cus the grouper from last year has freezer burn and I need to reup. But really these guys openly admitted they always kill the biggest fish they find. I tried to talk conservation like go after the smaller ones , they laughed like I was joking. Ok just venting:confused:
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Got to hate that attitude. I've been involved in some interesting research on size selecting fishing on fish populations. Basically, if you keep pulling out the biggest fish and removing their genes from the gene pool you will decrease the size of the fish in the population. Not only that, but smaller fish produce less gametes and tend to be less robust. A couple of obvious cases in point are the Goliath Groupers and Giant Tuna. All the big ones were heavily targeted, now you don't find as many or ones that get as big as they used too.
short of a fist fight how do you get these people to wake up? I get all flustered every time I see red necks with spear guns. It totally ruins my day:mad:
no one will ever spear this trigger

no one will ever spear this trigger

I wish I knew!!!!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10673489#post10673489 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redox
short of a fist fight how do you get these people to wake up? I get all flustered every time I see red necks with spear guns. It totally ruins my day:mad:
Problem is, in their mind the largest animal is the most desireable to spear. They often have a very limited concept of how that will impact the development of future generations of fish in the area.

To ask them, it would be ridiculous to think about spearing the smaller fish. The whole reason they are out there is to have an adventure and kill the biggest monster they can find.

The whole process is very competitive and testosterone fueled.

They are likely to look down at you for even suggesting you avoid shooting the larger animals.

Like any hunting, it should be monitored and regulated by impartial, mature individuals so that the populations of fish are not deleteriously impacted. (But then who is to say when deleterious impact has occured.)

This is a sport that is the result of an advanced society with too much free time and needs a specialized branch of government to help protect the animals being hunted and yet still provide the freedom to allow people to enjoy this sort of activity. And those people wishing to participate should be solely responsible for funding the agency placed in authority over it.
Hey redox why don't you let the air out of their tires while they are in the fruit isle. By the time they get done pumping up all their tires again they will be too tired to go spear fishing...After the third or fourth time maybe they will get the hint....just kiddin...
let the air out of their tanks would be better. man that would stink to go 40 or so miles out and realize you tanks were empty:eek:
Do you guys hear yourselves? Let the air out of the their tires? hope a shark eats him? Are you for the idea of conservation of the reefs? You have to be kidding me. Maybe we should worry more about conservation of the species (humans). I feel ashamed whenever I hear someone expound radical or violent wishes at someone who doesnt agree with their view of the world. Makes you sound just like the Terrorists we hear about on the news all the time. (Only difference is you feel that way about the enviroment, they feel that way about their religion). Extremism is wrong, and you should never wish bad things to happen to someone else who you dont even know.

Maybe a little acceptance for the viewpoints of others should start here in America. We dont all have to agree on everything, but we do need to stop fighting over every disagreement we have.
Ooooooo...Yeah, sharks eating people is never a good thing... No, leting air out of tanks would probably get you hurt....
I think a little education would go a long way if you could get people to listen.... I will say that comercial fishing takes all and anything that gets in the nets....so a few fish speared by a couple divers would be no worse than the fisherman on the boat that is looking to get the big catch of the day.... Just try to catch and release those big guys....Spear the pan sized fish...and leave the big ones alone!!!
While you people are busy bashing the spearfisherman, no one has spoken about the real enemy here.....the Hook and line commercial fisherman and the longliners who truly rape and pillage the reefs.

Wake up, and look beyond your neighbor whom you believe is the problem.

As for the comments about the Jewfish (oops, goliath). Have any of you dove in the Gulf of Mexico recently? Or even the SE US? We have tons of very large Goliaths, I've seen many upwards of 400+ lbs.

Instead of pointing your fingers at responsible recreational fisherman, which includes those who use spears that are more selective in the killing (the key word is selective), why don't you all go read up on what commercial fishing and longliners are doing to this fish population.

Read up on that, go order a grouper sandwich at your local restaurant, then get back w/ me. :disgusted:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10723130#post10723130 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reelfreak
Instead of pointing your fingers at responsible recreational fisherman

You might want to reread the original post. He wasn't ranting against responsible recreational spear fisherman, but ones with the irresponsible attitude of spearing everything in sight. No ones has claimed there aren't problems with commercial fishing either ;)
Re: just venting

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10670081#post10670081 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redox
s I jokeingly asked them if they were going on a killing spree.They said heck ya we kill everything in sight. What in the world is going through peoples minds? Duh lets go out and kill all the big :confused:

While the original poster states they "jokingly" asked, who's to say the spearo's didn't jokingly respond.

Maybe Redox should have asked to see this "killing spree" and taken pictures for all of us to yell blasphemy at them for, but I'll guess and say that their "kill" wasn't the ROOT of the problem that spearfishermen are blamed for. Someone please post some longline pics for everyone to see, and suddenly you will stop pointing toward spearfishers.

I won't even ask, well......I will. Those who have responded to this thread, Have you even tried spearfishing before? Especially for these "trophy" fish that you condemn others for seeking? It's not shooting ducks in a barrel by the way (BTW).

I'm not going to argue about this point with anyone (especially RC staff) but this post strikes me as, just as ignorant as the original poster seems to believe the fisherman are. JMO

I may follow along with this "rant" but until someone posts any logical and measurable data about spearfishing vs. commercial fishing, I probably will decline to add any comments.

Thanks for reading the other side of the story.......Albeit, after making you own conclusions.

I get a fishing license every year and love to fish... I try to be conservative and release the ones that are too small and any females holding eggs.... Even "Some" of the large ones.... I also do a bit of spear fishing...again I am on the conservative side and am careful what I spear...

The fact is, I have never dove with any other divers that are avid spear fisherman that were careless or reckless with what they speared or any that went beyond the daily limit!!!

I can fully understand the "Rant" These particular divers even if joking, gave the impression that they were over the top!!! If what they said was true, and that was there true intent, then hey, "Rant away"....
spear fisherman

spear fisherman

sorry there is so much controvercy about what I said. It was never about commercial fisherman just some guys ive seen before and conservation is the last thing on their mind. And it is like shooting ducks in a barrel here as we have lots as wrecks and lots of fish, well we did and still do in some out of the way places. My point is and always was why do they have a freezer full of fish and still keep going out to kill? Heck yesterday my painter told me he needed to make room in his freezer(for bambi) and had over 200lbs of trigger,mahi,grouper that they had caught this summer that would now go to waste if he cant give it away. How many people,how many freezers? I hate to say it but they are a dime a dozen. That is what I was trying to say with this post:confused: