kalk dispenser question


New member
I'm a little confused about the amount of kalk that should be put into the kalk dispenser. Normally when people are mixing up kalk they add the powder to the water until the mixture is saturated. So if I was using a 5 gallon top off container shouldn't I add the same amount of kalk powder to the dipenser that it would take to saturate 5 gallons of water? Maybe I've got the wrong idea about this but it seems like the only benefit of adding more kalk powder than this would be that you could go through more buckets of top-off water before adding more powder. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the amount of kalkwasser delivered regulated by the amount of evaporation in the tank? It seems impossible to make a kalkwasser solution any stronger than saturated. Thanks for any info on this.

You are correct, the main advantage is that it doesn't react with the air to become insoluble calcium carbonate, this makes it more potent. Also it prevents damage to the pump. I would use 2-4 teaspons for every 5 gallons.