Keeping 2 octopuses?


New member
I got one red sea max 130liters, and in it i have 9 Chrysiptera springeri.
Yesterday i bought Octopus Vulgaris, i orderd a Blue ring octopus but it didn't come. I was thinking to order him in next shippment, is it possible to keep 2 octopuses together in the same tank?
I know that 130RSM i way too small for 2 octopuses and for one Vulgaris so i am going to change my 530 Liter Akvastabil into an Reeftank.

My English isin't very good:D
I am wondering why so many people want a blue ring. I get the whole "I know its dangerous but I know how to do it" thing but on the off chance that you screw up you dont just get to learn from your mistakes... you could potentially die.
I don't even care anymore if people want to buy a blue ring, it's their own stupid decision. Whatever happens happens. Check out the thread on blue rings though and you will see that even Dr. Roy Caldwell suggests not keeping them as pets.
To answer the question though, yeah...ha ha....NO! You could give it a try but you will probably end up with one or two dead cephs unless it's a huge tank. I've seen cuttles being kept together (officinails, pharoh, dwarfs, ect...) in smallish sized tanks without problems, but when I say small I mean 180-300 gallons. I can't really see that working out too well with octos though. I'm sure there is an exception somewhere but in general I would say no.
Then again you could always check with someone like AnimalMother or Thales. They have more experience with cephs than I.
" I was thinking to order him in next shippment, is it possible to keep 2 octopuses together in the same tank?"

I don't think you can keep both in a Red Sea Max 130. That's barely enough for the O. vulgaris...

Plug and play tanks weren't really meant for messy predators either...
I agree with micstarz, a 130 really is the minimum suggested size for an O. vulgaris so keeping more that one octo in there may not be such a good idea. I've also read that keeping more than one in the same tank all together is not good... they are cannibalistic creatures and there's a good chance that one will try to kill the other.

"You could give it a try but you will probably end up with one or two dead cephs unless it's a huge tank."

There's a good chance that both of them will die... oh, and there's also the possibilty of the blue ring killing you too. Almost forgot about that one ;)