Put a plenum over your chiller and vent that air directly outside using an inline fan controlled with your chiller. Or, put your chiller outside. All the heat chillers "take out" of your tank then comes right off the chiller. So, in an enclosed area by your tank... it becomes pointless.
Vent the head space above your tank and sump directly outside (if your tank / sump have a canopy/stand).
If you are still having issues with humidity... vent the skimmer to the outside, like the TOTM a few months back. Reefkeeper, I think.
Make sure to figure out where the fresh air to replace all this vented air will come from. You don't want negative pressure which can extinguish pilot lights, pull carbon monoxide from your water heater back into the house... etc.... In the winter months, you can aspirate air from outside to replace all that exhausted hot air. Or, you might actually reclaim it, if you live in the bitter cold.
Obviously, this is easier if planned from the beginning, and harder to implement later... but this deserves as much or more thought than plumbing your tank if you are over 3 or 400 gallons (IMO).