Keeping wrasses in bare bottom tank


New member
Can wrasses be kept in a bare bottom tank? I have a 240 gal tank with approx 300 lbs live far i have tried keeping two yellow coris wrasse at separate times and they both didn't make it...wondering if its due to nutrition or the fact that I don't have sand where they can sleep or hide.
Did they jump ship? (I have had many yellow wrasses do just that). I kept a Canary (Yellow Corris) Wrasse in a bare bottom 75g for awhile while I was in the process of moving sand and rock to my 125g. He and the accompanying Red Corris did fine during that time (couple months or more). They would still find hiding places at regular evening times just as if they were burying themselves. Ironically, after the two were moved to a sandy bottomed 125g, the Yellow went missing almost immediately and never showed face again, and it was only months later that I found he had jumped from the tank to a not so visible spot. Having said all of this, it is the fish's nature to want to bury themselves, so I personally wouldn't want to keep one from his natural bed for any more time than is necessary. :)
Some kinds don't need sand, and some do... Those coris wrasses do. Get wrasses that don't bury in the sand for sleeping. Wrasses that sleep in the sand may destroy their mouths when they fail to bury themselves in the glass. Fairy wrasses and tusks immediately come to mind as options. Name a wrasse you're interested and we can help you from there.

How soon did the wrasses die and what did their mouths look like by the way? It could have been something else, but the tank wasn't suitable for them either.
All it took for my Coris was one night without sand during a move across the basement and he died the next day. He was looking for a place to bury itself the night before and I didnt realize what it was trying to do untill it was to late. Really a bummer he was 8 yrs and 10" long
They did not jump ship, they just of them died within a week and the other one was in there for a few weeks....actually the second one had a mishap with a coral frag that I had just glued and put in the soon as i put the frag it came out of no where and tried to pick on it and ended up glueing its mouth....i watch the poor thing in pain trying to remove the crazy glue from its mouth....i think it was able to get it removed with in a few days but that was obviously inhibiting its ability to feed on frozen food......
I am interested in Harlequin that ok to keep in bare bottom tank ?
Thanks for your input
Harlequin tusks will do just fine in a bare bottom tank.

It's too bad about the wrasse that got his mouth glued shut. That probably did a bit of damage, and caused a lot of stress. All of your other fish are doing okay, right? I just want to make sure there isn't something wrong with your tank before you add a tusk.
yup, all other fish are fine...i've got a few tangs, angels and clowns in there right now...looking to add some big fishes.
Thanks for all the input.