Kent Marine Tech I (iodine) overdose


New member
Yesterday evening I accidentally dumped some kent marine teck I iodine suppliment in my tank. I ment to dose some prime, which I have just a pin hole in the bottle for slow dosing, but I was distracted and grabbed the wrong bottle which resulted in me dumping in a large amount of iodine suppliment. I;m not sure how much exactly, I'd guss somewhere in the 10-15mL range. Luckly I noticed it was the wrong thing as I was dumping it in and stopped farily quickly.

I imediatly changed as much water as I had mixed and ready to go, which ended up being about a 25-30 gallon water change on a 65 gallon tank with about 50 gallons of water, so call it a 50% water change.

Is there anything else I can do to make sure the tank inhabitants are okay? Anything I should look out for in particular with this kind of overdose?

I have more water being filtered in my RODI now which I can mix up more saltwater for an additional change this evening if needed.

It seemed the fish and coral were normal as far as I was able to tell yesterday and this morning. I did have the lights off and was dark when I left this morning, but the fish were in their usual spots and seemed normal for night time.

Any advice is appriciated.
Looking more into it, and remembering that a normal dose is 10mL, I might not have overdosed as badly as I had thought. Though I did just do a 10ml dose a day or two before the overdose. I'm hoping my accidental dose really was fairly low, but I'm not sure as it wasn't measured, just dumped into the tank. Could be a good bit more than the 10-15mL I guessed, I really can't be sure.

I'm also hoping that the 50% water change was enough to at least get the levels down to a safe level. I know iodine is short lived, so maybe if the tank is doing well this evening no action would be needed.

I did just add new GAC to the tank, so if that takes it out I should be better off as well. I didn't think it would, but read it can help on other threads. Most threads i found were for long term dosing, not a single large dose of iodine supplement, So i'm not sure if the responses to other threads are relevant to me or not.
I was going to dose the prime into the tank as a precaution because my brother who was watching the tank for me for a day said he topped off the water, but didn't seem confident he used RODI. My ATO had run out and I through there was a chance he used tap water, so I emptied it out, and filled back up with RODI, and was going to dose the tank with prime in case any of the possibly tap water made it to the tank. All inhabitants of the tank seemed normal, both fish and coral, but figured it wouldn't hurt to dose.

Glad to hear that is more of a concern than the iodine. I always thought iodine was very toxic at higher levels, but not sure how much of an overdose would be toxic.

FYI, I started dosing iodine only recently, about 2 weeks ago because I got a puffer and read that they benefit from some iodine dosing. I figured I'd dose half the recommended about after I got started and keep things in check with water changes anyways.
I was going to dose the prime into the tank as a precaution because my brother who was watching the tank for me for a day said he topped off the water, but didn't seem confident he used RODI. My ATO had run out and I through there was a chance he used tap water, so I emptied it out, and filled back up with RODI, and was going to dose the tank with prime in case any of the possibly tap water made it to the tank. All inhabitants of the tank seemed normal, both fish and coral, but figured it wouldn't hurt to dose.

Glad to hear that is more of a concern than the iodine. I always thought iodine was very toxic at higher levels, but not sure how much of an overdose would be toxic.

FYI, I started dosing iodine only recently, about 2 weeks ago because I got a puffer and read that they benefit from some iodine dosing. I figured I'd dose half the recommended about after I got started and keep things in check with water changes anyways.

I wouldn't worry about the iodine. Unless you dose something like lugol's solution, what you dosed in is probably way too diluted to cause any issues. You would need to dose the entire bottle to have any issues.
how is there confusion if you brother used rodi, or the faucet? Do you test for iodine?

I believe your dosing iodide, not iodine (I hope), iodide is much more forgiving, iodine, I would not use.

Your dose is fine, and your action smart.

If your going to run iodide, get the test and keep between .03 and .06.

Good for leathers, gorgonians and helps shrimps in molt.....
If it was iodine and not iodide(which I agree is safer) it can actually cause excessive molting on shrimps which could be potentially harmful to them, that would be my only possible concern
So far everything in my tank seems to be doing just fine, So I think I may be in the clear. Coral all appear normal, and other fish are swimming around normally. The only odd ball is the newer puffer, which I've had about 3 weeks I think. I've never had one before, so could just be normal puffer behaviour, but he has been laying on the sandbed in the corner, particuarly in the mornings before and just after the lights come on. He has done it before, but seems to be doien it more now? not really sure, could just be me paying more attention now. During the day he seems fine, swims around, gets excited to see people, is eating fine. My guess is he's unaffected, but just acting like a puffer?

I will have to find a new tank sitter, or give some better education prior to getting help next time I leave. I have RODI water and tap water both in faucets next to each other by my fish sink. Tap for rinsing and cleaning, and RODI for cleaning water test vials, and doing a final rinse on anything before it goes back to tank. both look similar, so I'll be adding some labels to them, and may even turn off the tap water supply when others are helping me out so there's no chance of using the wrong water. I'd rather someone use up a bunch of RODI than get tap water in the tank.

I was dosing iodide, not iodine. Thanks for the clarification. I'll update if I notice any ill effects, but after a day, I'm more confident everything will be okay.
So far everything in my tank seems to be doing just fine, So I think I may be in the clear. Coral all appear normal, and other fish are swimming around normally. The only odd ball is the newer puffer, which I've had about 3 weeks I think. I've never had one before, so could just be normal puffer behaviour, but he has been laying on the sandbed in the corner, particuarly in the mornings before and just after the lights come on. He has done it before, but seems to be doien it more now? not really sure, could just be me paying more attention now. During the day he seems fine, swims around, gets excited to see people, is eating fine. My guess is he's unaffected, but just acting like a puffer?

I will have to find a new tank sitter, or give some better education prior to getting help next time I leave. I have RODI water and tap water both in faucets next to each other by my fish sink. Tap for rinsing and cleaning, and RODI for cleaning water test vials, and doing a final rinse on anything before it goes back to tank. both look similar, so I'll be adding some labels to them, and may even turn off the tap water supply when others are helping me out so there's no chance of using the wrong water. I'd rather someone use up a bunch of RODI than get tap water in the tank.

I was dosing iodide, not iodine. Thanks for the clarification. I'll update if I notice any ill effects, but after a day, I'm more confident everything will be okay.

Resting on the bottom, a rock perch, is quite normal.
Glad to hear no problems, best of luck on future successes.