Kent RO Hi-S membranes


New member
I have a Kent Maxxima Hi-S RO/DI 60 gpd unit that I need to replace the filters and membrane on. Can you tell me what the difference is between the Kent Hi-S membrane and a Dow Filmtec membrane.
I am getting a reading of 10 TDS out of the final product water and 309 from the tap water. The DI color-changing resin filter and the membrane are a little over 2 years old, so I feel it is time to change out anyway. Do you offer these filters in a packaged together price?

thank you for your post, I am not very familiar with the Dow product you speak of. The membranes that are available on our site of compatible with any of the R.O. Units we sell You can find them via this link

I do highly recommend that you do change the filter cartriges at least every 9 months depending on the water quality being fed into your system, The Membranse will last you again much longer, up to 2 years. and up to 3 with a flush vavle kit found here

I hope that this answered some of your questions and please feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance

Marine Depot Customer Service