Kill palys but keep the rock


New member
I have a rock full of ugly palys. Is there a way I can clear the rock of them so that I can put it back in and populate with nicer zoas?

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Some are poisonous. Remove the rock and treat it separately. Discard all used water, wear gloves, mask, goggles (getting this in the eyes or mouth or lungs is like hospital stuff, possible eye damage) and frankly I'd just let that rock sit in the sun for a good long while and even THEN take all precautions with getting the residue off it: a strong hose would be the best first step. Read our sticky-post (up top of this section) on toxins. Serious, serious stuff, palys.
Frankly, an even better solution: taking all precautions, take it back to your lfs in a bag and give it to them or trade it for a conditioned rock if you can swing it.
Frankly, an even better solution: taking all precautions, take it back to your lfs in a bag and give it to them or trade it for a conditioned rock if you can swing it.
They won't take it. Lol
I might just throw the rock in the bin and look to get a rock with nice zoas on.

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Ive read a lot articles (back in my freaking out over palytoxin days) that state only bleach will neutralize the palytoxins and is what is used when doing a detox accident. If memory serves me the ratio was 20% min bleach and 80% water. If it was me id use a bit more probably a 30/70 blend & let it sit in a safe area outside for several days with a tight lid then a cold water rinse off & a soak in plain water for a while until all bleach odor is gone if the rock is really that important or unusual in shape and worth the trouble and possible sickness. If it was in my tank which will never ever happen id put it very carefully in a5 gal. bucket with above stated mix & a screw on lid, let it sit a few days then pour out the water, re-seal & toss it ............ if no one wants that nightmare.
Ive read a lot articles (back in my freaking out over palytoxin days) that state only bleach will neutralize the palytoxins and is what is used when doing a detox accident. If memory serves me the ratio was 20% min bleach and 80% water. If it was me id use a bit more probably a 30/70 blend & let it sit in a safe area outside for several days with a tight lid then a cold water rinse off & a soak in plain water for a while until all bleach odor is gone if the rock is really that important or unusual in shape and worth the trouble and possible sickness. If it was in my tank which will never ever happen id put it very carefully in a5 gal. bucket with above stated mix & a screw on lid, let it sit a few days then pour out the water, re-seal & toss it ............ if no one wants that nightmare.
Rock not that important, think its going on the bin.

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