Koralia powerheads anywhere local?

No sandstorm.....I have both of the poweheads pointing at the same spot on the glass so they blance each other out somewhat. I also got another 3 from dr foster and smith. I put it in me new 25 gallon eclipse. It does a great job. Jeff, I believe the issue with mixing is the intake. It moves a great deal of water, but I dont think its great for mixing. I think a direct stream would be better for dissolving particles. From what i have seen in my system, it generates 3-4 random streams of wide flow, so it moves lots of water but it wont tear the flesh of coral..
how are these working out guys? i want a nanostream for the size but idk if i can wait 2-3 months before i can get one...

right now im running 880 gph, id like to up it without ripping my LPS apart and i think i have a placement that would work for a koralia 4...

are they big? can i get some pics with size references? my display is small with a less than average amount of rock so anything too big will be VERY noticeable...
I put a Nanostream 6045 beside a Koralia 4 this weekend.

Well, the Nanostream is a tad smaller, a tad, not significantly.

Nanostream is nicely built, good German quality ;)

They are both 1200gph

The Koralia blows the Nanostream away by a mile..........

Thought I might have 2 Koralia 4's for sale this week, no...sorry...keeping my Koralia's.
UPDATE: The new Koralia 3's are scheduled to arrive in the U.S. on April 5th. Then they'll start shipping them out to people as replacements for the defective ones.
I also got a nano stream in this week....I will put it in the small tank....and see how it works for a couple days...if I dont like it.....Ill sell it at cost....