Kraash Bash!!!!!!!! 3-12-11


New member
Come join us for a night (and maybe morning) of great fun! There will be plenty of reef talk and awesome times to be had. I am sure there will be some great new stories to add to the ones from the past. We will start around 6ish and go 'till who knows :lol2: on Sat. March 12th.

I will be making chili and beef veggie soups and some sides. I will also provide a few adult beverages and some flavored vodkas for bombs that are always a hit! Feel free to bring a side or dessert.

You don't have to be a SLASH member to attend, but if you would like to join I am sure we can hook you up that night. :celeb1:

I will be bringing a helmet and pads in case the night entails a crazy ride in the back of a pickup with shovels and rakes flying around.
Mike, thanks so much for the date selection! I cannot wait.

We have said this on the last couple, but if you have not been to one of these, you do not know what you are missing. Mike and Jen are excellent hosts to say the least!

Mike, I would like to reserve my usual spot if possible!!!
I am sure there will be some other crazy incident.

Former incidents.

Logiktech trying to camp in subzero weather.

Me trying to benchpress tall jason.

Fire breathing dragon

fire breathing logiktest

several others that cannot be mentioned.
kraash baash!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Well, you houligans have a good time:D One of these years I will make a Kraash Bash!