I went out and picked up scrap acrylic pieces and ordered some pond liner samples of various types of pond liner materials. I Like the edpm best. I then tested several types of glues. The thinner weld-on numbers dont adhere as well as #16. Super Glue adheres very well also. All of this was after sanding the area of the acrylic before making attatchment. Weld on #40, I here might work best but I didnt try that one. I would silicone over the attatcment after it dries for two days. Then let that dry for another two. The water pressure holds the liner in place and helps form a water tight seal. Make sure you position the liner so the glued area has no tension wen filled. When folding the liner you create more layers of liner to cut through for bulkheads. Just be mindful of bulkhead holes and folds.(dont cut holes through folds). I have 3 1/2 inch frame going around the front(braced with 4 x4s), and it rests on the bottom.