Large Reef without a SUMP?


New member
Anyone out there successfully running an SPS dominated reef (180g+) without a sump? I was thinking of still having an large overflow but have it feed a large skimmer like a BubbleKing instead of draining to a sump. I would then run some HOB filters for mechanical filtration and surface movement, and maybe even a cannister to run carbon and feed a UV. I would also run a closed loop with maybe an Oceans Motion 4 way.

I would really like to do it without a sump this time if possible. Any thoughts are appreciated.

Im not running a sump on my 600g FO and I agree that a sump is beneficial just not mandatory. I have my skimmer (xp5000ext) hooked up external next to the tank and with 600 lbs of LR there is plenty of biological filtration. People get stuck on the idea that you need a sump to be successful but it is simply not true. I use two canister filters (no media) for added flow and for chemical filtration if needed. I would use a closed loop or powerheads for flow. As long as your water parameters are good you can keep anything you want in your tank (proper lighting of course). There are alot of ways to run a successful aquarium so we need to keep our minds open to alternative ideas.
The main purpose of the sump is to add water volume. Example. 55 gallon tank with 40 breeder sump. Almost doubles the volume.

Now 300 gallon tank with 40 breeder. Not nearly the same effect. Without habing a 150 gallon sump you are not achieving the same results.

However the other benefits of placing mist equipment in the sump and not the dt is huge for some people. Also dozing through the sump helps distribute supplements a little more even.

So to answer the op. Larger tanks do not need dumps nearly as much as smaller, or I should say they aren't as beneficial without being very large themselves.
I am looking at a 72x30x30 Starphire tank with a large center overflow. I plan to use the overflow to hide the heaters and inlets for the 2 canister filters (Filstar xp4). I will use carbon and other media in them. I plan on lots of LR and sand. Reef lighting of course. I also plan to add an emperor 400 or two to use as a mini fuge with cheato and a light on it running opposite my reef lighting. My closed loop will have 4 outlets in the sand bed and two more on each side of the overflow. If I use the oceans motion I will go with the left/right flow. For a skimmer i am looking at a Bubble king or Deltec (total overkill on the skimmer). Also i am a big water change guy. My reasoning for not wanting a sump is simple...I do not like to worry about water being outside the tank. I had a 240g in the past and always sat in fear of a power failure. Lol
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I am looking at a 72x30x30 Starphire tank with a large center overflow. I plan to use the overflow to hide the heaters and inlets for the 2 canister filters (Filstar xp4). I will use carbon and other media in them. I plan on lots of LR and sand. Reef lighting of course. I also plan to add an emperor 400 or two to use as a mini fuge with cheato and a light on it running opposite my reef lighting. My closed loop will have 4 outlets in the sand bed and two more on each side of the overflow. If I use the oceans motion I will go with the left/right flow. For a skimmer i am looking at a Bubble king or Deltec (total overkill on the skimmer). Also i am a big water change guy. My reasoning for not wanting a sump is simple...I do not like to worry about water being outside the tank. I had a 240g in the past and always sat in fear of a power failure. Lol

Closed loops, ext. skimmers, canisters all involve water outside the sump and are much more likely to cause a flood than a "properly designed" sump with all the above contained insde it. I know,I helped LFS design them.
With a large enough tank you could put in a false wall (think oversized coast to coast overflow) and have your equipment in the back. If you could hide the equipment section it would look great. I thought about placing a tank like that between the viewing rooma and fish room but the wall I was looking at tearing into was structural.