Large Slimmer and Plate for sale


One Happy Reefer
I need to make some room.
Its about 10" X 10", and as you see multi branched. Placed directly in the flow of an MP40 mid-tank under 250W MH. $40



3.5" X 1.5" Plating coral, I really don't know its name, but a real cool coral. I have it on the rocks and its growing quickly. $30

Aggressive and usually wins during coral wars.
Sorry Justin, RKaragozler pick it up on Friday. If you want I have another piece thats growing in the wrong direction... it has about 4 or 5 branches and is about 5" X4"
Gift for your reef..
Your the man Harry! I can pick it up at the meet or sometime before that if thats easier. Just LMK. Again Thank you. Once my tank is going, I'll return the favor. :beer: