Large SPS Cube tanks!

upscales...holy smacker....I think I just tickled a little from the exitment. Can you give us tank specs?? PLEASE. And maybe some larger pictures?? thank you.
Thanks for thinking of me guys! Here are a few more, fairly recent pics, about 2 months old or so. I need to take some new ones :rolleyes: I've since switched to all XM 20K's and really love the color of the stonies! I've also added several nice sinularia flexibilis (white, bright yellow, and green) to add some movement and varience to the reef.


I love this actinic shot:



AND here's the video that most of you are probably sick of seeing posted again :)
Upscales- That is a very beautiful tank!
Cward- Your tank was an inspiration to me. I love those big mature colonies. I was planning on thinning out my corals as the nicer ones grew in to also give it a more simple as in less busy, relaxing, and very natural looking reef like yours.
But, I'll most likely be switching over to a 120"x48"x30" within the next few months.
Great Cubes! I'm setting up a 92 Gallon, semi-cube. All SPS and LPS. I will post pictures of my cube when it's finished.

Any updates on the tanks that are above? Or some other tanks maybe?


who knew cubes could be so cool :D

i like the waye these r setup man i wish i had the amount of corals some of u have in your tanks!

and the colors and variety is amazing!