Large tank owners filtration help pls.


New member
I have a 525 gal running that will soon be a mixed reef. I am currently using filter socks on my returns. I have 2" overflows running into 2 large socks. My question is what do you large tank owners use? I can't stand using the socks, they last 2 days if I am lucky and I get all wet changing them.


I have a 300g and 125g as display tanks that both "dump" into same sump and use no filter socks. What is the reason you are using the socks. Other then the tank what else are you using for "filtration" protien skimmer, carbon, ect...? How much LR do you have in the system?

Jim Mc
I actually use the socks to break up the bubbles from the water crashing down. They do collect a ton of debris. I was thinking up replumbing the returns to ease the water into the sump. I have a MRC4-R skimmer that is working well.

The tank is only a few months old so I am in the process of adding more rock. I currently have 400lbs.
Yes I do, but I think that is because the water crashes down into the sump. Do you think if I redo the plumbing to below the waterline in the sump it would eliminate the bubbles?
It would help some. DO you have any bubble "traps" in between the area where the water enters the sump and the return to your tank?
My filtration is two macro tanks, a cryptic tank and a fuge. Then equipment is skimmer, PO4 Reactor and Carbon Canister.
Cool, thank you. I am going to redo my returns and try to get rid of the microbubbles and not use the socks.

I do not use any socks in my 500G system.

The system is set up in this manner.

1. my overflow goes into a 30 g sump where my skimmer sits. The output of that flows into a 90 g sump at one end. I have LR rubble in that area which helps trap some of the bubbles. The return pump is at the other end of the sump with about 5 baffels between the two.

2. I use a large swimming pool canister filter on a closed loop to filter out the majority of the debri that you talk of. I have ball valves on the input and output of the canister so that I can secure it and clean the filter element.

3. I have a small canister filtre filled with carbon and such that is attached to my 90 sump. Intake on one end and output on the other end near the return pump.

System seems to work fine and has been running like this for several years.