Last Call For Alcohol!!!!!

Take him to an LFS, Im sure they'll take him, you can ask a local aquarium see if they want it. I dont know, just a few suggestions I guess.
True True!!! If it is out there then it is in his tank or will be soon.:lol:
Hey might want him. Let me know what the req are. size tank etc. I was just gonna get a dwarf over on blue heron. Let me know!



pm sent

The octopus has had a short stay of execution since Steve was over here buying some frags.
if it helps his scientific name is o. briareus. I hope you're not actually going to kill him, i used to have one of those they are really smart, wish i had space, have you tried taking it to some lfs and see if they will take it?
You're so good at these attention getting threads! You should write for the Enquirer or something!

Don't think the octo would fit in my 20 though...oh well! Oh, and it's uncovered and I don't think the cats would appreciate him scooting across the floor.
Lacy here,
Well, I have been hoping that someone would buy him before he becomes fish food. I really dont want to do that to him so I am still waiting. I know it sounds terrible, but it is just the same if I used him or bought another one at the store. What is your fish food made of???
As you can see I am at a friends house so I never cleaned the tank which means he still has time till tomorrow morning.

If it's a local Caribbean species as you say, why not just let it go back to the wild. If you don't know anyone with a boat, I'd be willing to take him for a ride.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12263353#post12263353 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
If it's a local Caribbean species as you say, why not just let it go back to the wild. If you don't know anyone with a boat, I'd be willing to take him for a ride.

I agree, beats becoming fish food. You don't even have to take it out on a boat, these octopuses are known to live in pretty shallow areas, just make sure there's a lot of rocks for it to hide in.
That would still be a bad idea as it is probably in a system that contains/contained species from other areas of the world.


I was at a friends house as stated in the post. "As you can see I am at a friends house so I never cleaned the tank which means he still has time till tomorrow morning."

She was logged on and I wanted to bump the thread up and to let people know that he was and still available. I might have a taker, not totally sure.
I tried a few stores and no one was interested. Does anyone know of one out there.
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