Last of The Living


Fish Mother
This is what's left from my blowout sale. The fish and blastomusa are sold and what is left are the following:

9 year cycled live rock (will sell after the living things are sold)

Euphyllia - mixed frog spawn and hammers, down from 100 to about 30 or so heads


Candy cane

The corals are $7/head firm. If you want what's left, it still $7/head. The gorgonia is $25 for the whole thing. If you buy the coral that is left, I will throw in a few free corals and the gorgonia.

The sump will be for sale along with the autotopper, the Apex Junior computer, the circulating pumps, skimmer, the AI sol computerized light system, 2 large heaters, Water changing apparatus and tubes, buckets, salt, refractometer various additives, aquarium glass cleaner and odds and ends every reef keeper can use.

Equipment details: 92G Mixed reef, SCA-302 skimmer, 15g sump w/fuge & Eheim Compact Plus @650 gph, AI Sol Blue, Koralia 750 &Tunze Nanostream 6025

I can now sell my live rock. Make me an offer. I also discovered 4 heads of blastomusa after I sold the big piece.
Update: 2 rocks and blasto are gone. Just have rocks, candy cane heads and some gorgonia we didn't realize we had. Plus of course the tank/stand and equipment therein.