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Matt, Spectacular Photo's again.
These shots truly show not only the Health and Beautiful Colors of your corals, but also the Size of the Colonies like the Wave that I can only dream of growing one day.
Help me put things into Time perspective. I assume you started from a Frag. How long did it take you to achieve a Colony that size?
That Stellar Looking Ice Fire is truly an Inspiration Piece. Especially since I just mounted a tiny frag of one in my tank.
Hey, even your Starfish has a interesting Color/Pattern that blends in Beautifully.
BTW. I agree that the First Photo I did of my Green Slimer wasn't the best, but it was a improvement using the Viewer for Photo Taking Top down.
The Photo of the Forest Fire Frag did come out better as I practiced more of your Horizontal Photo techniques for Focus, and the Lighting Setting on Camera.
I'm still a humble frag reefer at this point, but if it grows to any size colony and keeps it colors it may become my favourite since I can't stop looking at it.
Looking forward to the more Photo's you promise.
Hey Wally, thanks! It took me a bit to go back in my photos to find when I added the wave.. it was almost exactly 2 years ago. It's been through a lot.. a few setbacks, so not as much growth as it would have had in two years of perfect water..
Oct 2015

Jan 2016
It's far left.. I didn't document this coral very well..

April/may 2016

Sept 2016 right below red wrasse.

January 2017 in left again.


And yesterday:

It has great colour right now..
I'll do the ice fire next. I have better continuity of photos on that slow grower..