Learning/rebuilding from my epic fail


Thanks for the Video Inspiration/Idea.

As you know I just Transferred my 65 Gal SPS tank out to Prepare for the New Larger Replacement in-wall-tank.

Tank is sitting on 2x4 stand on basement floor as I rebuild things.
Since tank Now has all 4 sides accessible and will eventually be shut down.

I pulled out my Ikelite Underwater Housing/Canon Camera and took a dive into the tank.

It's just rocks with all my Frags mounted for now, and nothing compared to your setup,
but I left the SOUND ON THE CAMERA, and didn't edit it out.
Leave the sound on your computer while watching, since tank video is something to HEAR (What the fish hear).


Started a mini thread with the LINK to the VIDEO, since I just shut down my OLD THREAD.


Will eventually start a Tank build on new Setup, but lots of work to prepare.

Still looking forward to that Longer Wide Video of your tank.

Cheers, Wally
Matt, Never mind, I hit last video and found the new one (on your channel)


WOW, I love the Intro Full tank view. Wish you would stay a bit longer on the Wide View (HOLDING STILL LONGER during Full tank view. At least for 30 seconds please).
I kept hitting pause to gawk but then PAUSE makes things fuzzy and fish stop moving :(

Reshoot that ALL TANK portion, Go Wide and when closer, pan across SLOWLY.

This is the first time I truly can appreciate YOUR tank in it's total (The True Size).
The fish movement, it's all there.

Stunning, BUT I WANT MORE!!!


Thanks Wally. I got the bug. I will take your recommendations to heart!
I'm sure I can do better..
Brilliant video, Matt. You have corals galore....

Some video editing tools, such as iMovie, can actually help you stabilise recordings if you have a shaky hand.
Brilliant video, Matt. You have corals galore....

Some video editing tools, such as iMovie, can actually help you stabilise recordings if you have a shaky hand.

Thanks Bulent, I DO have corals galore.. that's for sure. Not much room left for more but there are several under performers that could come out to make room for nicer stuff..
I actually used iMovie and I saw the anti shake feature but when i tried to use it, it took forever- like forever- to apply it and in the end, I gave up trying to make it work. I guess my 2011 iMac doesn't have the computing powers to accomplish the task..
My next movie will be better.
Will need to watch this video on my big screen TV.
Thanks for posting it - 11 mins of it. LOL

Ha! It's so shaky, you'll get nauseous watching it on a big screen.
That's right! 11 minutes. My first dslr video, I was going ALL IN!! :)

In movie mode, it is auto focus and when using a macro lens, the focus is so tight that it is always searching for the right focus..
I'll try more with the wider lens.
Matt great video!

With those colors I would hesitate to change anything about where your nutrients are at. Remind me are you dosing anything other than what you get from your Ca Rx? It's been so long since I've looked.
Thanks Wally. I got the bug. I will take your recommendations to heart!
I’m sure I can do better..

Matt, just a suggestion....

That video was great, but before you redo better, which I know you will.
Not longer 25 minute re-take :(
Why not break it up into a few separate segments for special interests.

A WIDE FULL tank view, no movement, maybe 5 minutes long so I can watch the whole tank in action (but longer to see all that happens, fish, flow, etc).
I may put it up on my 60" plasma (looping), next to the Crackling (Gas Fireplace :) ) over the Christmas Holiday Family visits.
I'll tell everyone that someday, I HOPE my new tank will look somewhat as Beautiful as yours!!

Do a separate set of vids, of (your favorites) (best growers) (best colors) (SPS categories) or (just slow close-up pans of various sections of your tank).
Those Christmas guests might be interested when seeing the Wide Tank View a specific closeup, since I will have two reefer brother in laws over (but never thought much of trying SPS, after all my struggles and failure of past). They like my successful Mixed NON-SPS tank way better.

Not sure if you'll have time to have something ready before Christmas Break, but that would be cool for distraction/entertainment.

Just a suggestion, but I certainly would enjoy the longer Wide View at minimum.

I need help to support the NEW Coming Tank since wife isn't particularly happy with my enthusiasm over another tank. She'll be happy when she see's the new Rec Room view with the Extra Side exposed.

Matt great video!

With those colors I would hesitate to change anything about where your nutrients are at. Remind me are you dosing anything other than what you get from your Ca Rx? It's been so long since I've looked.
Hey Tim, writhing the past 6-8 months nutrients have gone from 50n and .2p down to 1n .08p and back up to where they are now. From re introducing cheato to pull down from last years high, to fluconazole which bumped them back up, they've been all over the place.
I hear ya, I won't do anything drastic..
I'm dosing 2 vials a week of prodibio Bioptim along with fluorine, iodine and vitamins from AF. I also add a pinch of reef roids and fm reef vitality every night.

Matt, just a suggestion....

That video was great, but before you redo better, which I know you will.
Not longer 25 minute re-take :(
Why not break it up into a few separate segments for special interests.

A WIDE FULL tank view, no movement, maybe 5 minutes long so I can watch the whole tank in action (but longer to see all that happens, fish, flow, etc).
I may put it up on my 60" plasma (looping), next to the Crackling (Gas Fireplace :) ) over the Christmas Holiday Family visits.
I'll tell everyone that someday, I HOPE my new tank will look somewhat as Beautiful as yours!!

Do a separate set of vids, of (your favorites) (best growers) (best colors) (SPS categories) or (just slow close-up pans of various sections of your tank).
Those Christmas guests might be interested when seeing the Wide Tank View a specific closeup, since I will have two reefer brother in laws over (but never thought much of trying SPS, after all my struggles and failure of past). They like my successful Mixed NON-SPS tank way better.

Not sure if you'll have time to have something ready before Christmas Break, but that would be cool for distraction/entertainment.

Just a suggestion, but I certainly would enjoy the longer Wide View at minimum.

I need help to support the NEW Coming Tank since wife isn't particularly happy with my enthusiasm over another tank. She'll be happy when she see's the new Rec Room view with the Extra Side exposed.

Wally! That's a taaaaaal order! I wouldn't expect anything less from the man who never sleeps! ;)
The individual videos was definitely in my plans.
I wish I could say I'll have time iver the holidays but probably to opposite will happen.. we'll see
Matt do you embedded music in your video? I cannot watch your last 2videos and can't figure the reason....
Hey Greg, yes I did put music in the last two..
Where are you? I wonder why only you can't see them.. maybe different parts of the world have different copyright laws..
My next one, I'll do without music, unless you figure it out. I prefer having music just to have a background instead of pump/tank/house noises like my dog barking or my kids playing hockey behind me.. and silent is kinda boring.
Hey Greg, yes I did put music in the last two..
Where are you? I wonder why only you can't see them.. maybe different parts of the world have different copyright laws..
My next one, I'll do without music, unless you figure it out. I prefer having music just to have a background instead of pump/tank/house noises like my dog barking or my kids playing hockey behind me.. and silent is kinda boring.

Greece. I would love to hear your dog, kids, pumps Matt, because I now know why I can't watch your videos :-)
Hey Tim, writhing the past 6-8 months nutrients have gone from 50n and .2p down to 1n .08p and back up to where they are now. From re introducing cheato to pull down from last years high, to fluconazole which bumped them back up, they've been all over the place.
I hear ya, I won't do anything drastic..
I'm dosing 2 vials a week of prodibio Bioptim along with fluorine, iodine and vitamins from AF. I also add a pinch of reef roids and fm reef vitality every night.
Very interesting. I was dosing Coral E for sometime but stopped due to some issues.

I have never really tried AF vitamins but I have some on my shelf so maybe I will give it a go. I'm curious what you notice from it? Also do you using Iodine and Fluorine just to bring out the blues? I've been considering implementing a balling system eventually on my tanks but tried to really simply things for the past few months which has gone very well.

Keep up the good work Matt!
Very interesting. I was dosing Coral E for sometime but stopped due to some issues.

I have never really tried AF vitamins but I have some on my shelf so maybe I will give it a go. I'm curious what you notice from it? Also do you using Iodine and Fluorine just to bring out the blues? I've been considering implementing a balling system eventually on my tanks but tried to really simply things for the past few months which has gone very well.

Keep up the good work Matt!
Hey Tim, honestly, what I've been doing lately, I have been doing for a long time and it's fiving me the results you see.. I'm really not sure if the vitamins are doing it.. as for fluorine and iodine, yes, fluorine was originally to help blues and again I've been doing it for a while now and it's working for me..
I see tanks like Watchguy's and I want to stop adding everything but at the same time, I am happy with things as they are, so I won't change anything, I don't think..
hey Matt!

how is everything going?
hope you´re fine!!


Hey Flo! Thanks for asking, I am good.. just haven't been around here too much.. just busy.. I did get some shots over the last couple days and I'll post them soon..
I was trying to find my thread on tapatalk and I don't think it can access page two.. the more I try to use tapatalk, the more I realize it is pretty bad.. BUT, it does allow for free third party hosting so I'll put up with it! :)
I'll have some catching up to do around here.
How's your tank doing?
Ok.... so here's my latest update.. despite good growth from my cheato- I just harvested a bucket's worth- n continues to sit at around 30.. p had dropped a good bit from .3 to .2. So still high but not as ridiculously high.. I think in another week, n will begin to fall as well..
But even with these high numbers, I keep having to increase the CO2 bubble count and I even increased my kalk dosing. Growth is increasing on many Corals..
So, I'll post a bunch of close shots and then a bunch of wide shots..
The shot I post every time:

My orange passion is on another growth spurt.. here is the uppermost branch which continues to thicken..

These two Corals have completely grown around each other. Fox Flame and a no name.

Ice fire and no name.

Interesting yellow tipped no name with reddish body.. curious to see this in several months..

Good ol' pink lemonade

Habanero is also growing like a demon..

So is this yellow no name.. could be wolverine but I bought it as just a yellow piece..

Ok! I'll post some wider shots next..

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Some wide shots..
Front centre:

Another a bit closer..

Upper left..

A little right of last shot:

Upper right.

Still sort of right centre.. sort of..

Hmm .. I'll sneak a couple other shots from the other day..

No name starting to grow..

Super close up of my other orange passion

Artsy fartsy shot of no name.

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Hey Flo! Thanks for asking, I am good.. just haven't been around here too much.. just busy.. I did get some shots over the last couple days and I'll post them soon..
I was trying to find my thread on tapatalk and I don't think it can access page two.. the more I try to use tapatalk, the more I realize it is pretty bad.. BUT, it does allow for free third party hosting so I'll put up with it! :)
I'll have some catching up to do around here.
How's your tank doing?

hey Matt!

good to hear and your latest pics are just incredible.
for sure it would be better to get those parameters a bit down but as we can see by your example low po4 and no3 isn´t all that counts!!
i think tabatalk works just fine for me ;)

my tank... hmmm... :lolspin:
after i had a lot of problems with keep the parameters in check due to a lot in my office and all the pre christmas things going on and now i decided to switch over to full triton method. a lot of my friends are running that system and have not to much maintenance and great success!!

will post some pictures soon! ;)

ps.: maybe i´ll visit Montreal in the upcoming fall 2018 ;)
