Still waiting in anticipation (The Full Tank Widescreen Reef Porn)
Video pending! It requires the extra step of downloading to the computer and then uploading to utube, so it is taking longer.. I'll get there..
hey Matt!
good to hear and your latest pics are just incredible.
for sure it would be better to get those parameters a bit down but as we can see by your example low po4 and no3 isn´t all that counts!!
i think tabatalk works just fine for me
my tank... hmmm... :lolspin:
after i had a lot of problems with keep the parameters in check due to a lot in my office and all the pre christmas things going on and now i decided to switch over to full triton method. a lot of my friends are running that system and have not to much maintenance and great success!!
will post some pictures soon!
ps.: maybe i´ll visit Montreal in the upcoming fall 2018
Flo, let me know when you come to Montreal! Don't come soon, though, it's currently one of the coldest places on earth...
No question triton is working for a lot of people. Will you use an algea fuge?
I guess I just don't know how to navigate tapatalk very well.. anyways, it works for posting pics..
Mutt since your growth and colouration is excellent, with those high values of no3 and po4, did you ever consider that those high values are actually favourable for your corals? Looking yours and Joe NY reefs, remembering what has been written on sceptical reefkeeping about po4, reeding Mr Bailing advising po4 concentration of 0.1ppm as optimum values and mainly looking my reef with no3 2.5ppm, po4 hovering between 0.2-0.4 due to Lars syndrome

and no ill effect, I wonder if nutrients levels are critical only at the beginning of a reef ,for controlling algae outbrakes, but in an established reef, higher values are actually favourable for all corals?
Happy New Year to you, your household, and your reef.
Your reef is continuing a level of excellency that few attain.
I agree with Greg's thinking posted above. Once a reef matures and hits it's healthy, happy place; it seems to tolerate a wide range of conditions. The nutrient level that once made the reef turn brown now brings about the most pure saturated colors.
Thanks again for all the pics and knowledge that you passed on in the last year.
Greg, Kevin thanks you and happy new year to as well!
The whole nutrient issue is very perplexing.
I do believe my nutrient are too high- even if they aren't really affecting the tank negatively.. although I do have some rust brown spots in the sand which I assume is dinos and this brown stringy funk growing in the frag tank. Will add flow in frag tank.. so even though most of the Corals are doing great with high nutrients, I thinks they probably be growing and looking different/better in lower levels..
Nuisance algae is generally at a low though.
I still have a handful of Corals that are not doing well or not growing. Every time I have a period of lower nutrient, more of those dormant Corals seem to wake up. Once awake, however, they continue to grow even when nutrients climb again..
Your point about established reefs being more tolorent of nutrient swings seems like a very good one. There must be something to that.. stable bacterial levels and general microfauna populations must allow the Corals to adapt better to highs and lows..
I still feel that for all around reef happiness, my levels are slightly too high..
Having said that, the real key here is that I am not trying to do anything about it in any big hurry..
I'm going to give it a few more weeks for sure and see if things creep down slowly- I think they will..
My plan, thereafter is to start a low dose of a carbon source.. maybe vinegar or nopox.. not so much as a real nutrient reducer (although, it will have a reducing effect) but just as an added element to the nutrient cycle in the tank..