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Oops sorry for the misunderstanding!

Mark, thank you for the very inspiring comments! I really appreciate it. It is totally demoralizing when you screw things up in your tank.. as we all know.. it’s not so bad when it’s only a minor screwup, though.Your ups and downs really help those following along. It’s so informative seeing these changes due to one reason or another. I am usually not brave enough to show my many misadventures but your sharing inspires me to do the same more often.
I constantly am amazed and I guess reminded how diligent and consistent one has to be to achieve a tank full of happy corals.
Thank you for constantly sharing, learning along with you.
I realize that this thread and my personal reef keeping practices are a bit hypocritical because on the one hand I totally agree with the reef mentra: Stability is Key yet I continue to mess around with things.. but ultimately my goal is to find the formula that I like and that provides that stability in the long term.
I think I’m inching ever so closer to that.
Amen, Mark! Thanks! My suharsonoi/caroliniana- whichever it may be is regaining color daily, now.. it wasn’t so bad..Sorry to hear about the troubles Matt. Hopefully we are both over them for the time being!
Thanks, man! It was a minor blip this time, Scott. The few affected corals are recovering their color and pe... thankfully!!Sorry to see your having some problems Matt. This hobby/addiction can be a real test of will sometimes. Hang in there bud, there is still so much in your tank that shines brightly.
After the RSR treatment- which I ended after 24 hours, I went on a little 10%/10 day water change refresher on the tank. Using H2Ocean salt.
I really liked the results. Really perked up the whole tank and I found that after about the 5th wc, the tank just looked clearer and more vibrant.. maybe it was all in my head.. but still. I like the results..
I was too busy to do testing last weekend so I’m not sure where nutrients are with the LC dosing but I did reduce it somewhat last week so I’ll check again this weekend.. I hope! I don’t expect them to have changed much from my last readings..
I did however slap my iPhone in my viewing box a couple days ago and made a quick and dirty front/top down video. I have to say that I am quite happy with 80% of the corals in my tank right now..
This is with all lights on..
And since it’s been almost exactly two years since I added my Ice/fir echinata frag, I’m going to go over to Tapatalk and post the 12 or so progression shots I have of that coral.. it is not a swift grower for me!