Hi Matt,
What's the specie of this starfish?
Do you have it since when?
I'm looking for one for my tank....but I want one that could thrive for a long time.
Hope all is ok.
This is unlike you to not be on forums helping everyone, and not even updating your thread.
Has anyone heard from Matt? Long vacation or something?
Hope he's alright. It's been a while.
Glad you're here. I hope your summer has been good!
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Hey Alex!
Sorry for the reeeeeeaaaaalllyyyy long wait to reply...
It is a Nardoa starfish. A really effective predator for astarina stars..
Glad to hear from you Matt, I was getting worried!
First of all: It's good to see you back!
About the starfish, I had a nardoa myself once....but it was a little diferent from yours.
It's a rare specie to find out here, but I'll keep looking for another one.
I'ts a must have for me....
Glad to hear from you Matt, I was getting worried!
Me too.
And what about you Mark ?
Welcome back, Matt.
Alex, Mark, Dan, Bulent and Janci- thanks guys!Good to hear from you and from the tank.
Sometimes letting the tank do its thing is not always a bad choice. It gives you time to spent with other things.
Thank you , Dom! Like all things in life, there is an ebb and flow, I suppose.Really nice to hear from you again MattWe were all getting worried! lol glad that you've found some renewed passion for the hobby and tank, it happens to us all sometimes
Thanks Tim. Yes, it can be quite healing, the mental break. I have a better perspective now!Sorry to hear about the setback Matt! Glad to hear your back at it and I think we all need that mental break from time to time.
Hey Flo, thanks! These aquariums of ours are a lot of frickin work! I see you’ve been doing double time in yours. I like the new scape.Good to hear from you!!
Sometimes a break is what you need! A tank can be exhausting