Hi Matt,
I may be very wrong here. If so, please correct me. Nitrifying bacteria need n, p and organic carbon (in addition to potassium, iron and some other elements) to live and thrive. Bacteria may be able to get their carbon needs from CO2 or even alkalinity (hence drop in alkalinity due to nitrogen cycle), but usually need some organic carbon source to multiply rapidly.
In my opinion, there are two possibilities here. One is that as you said with elevated n and p, you need more space for bacteria to colonise to reduce these nutrients. This assumes that your system is not carbon limited. If this assumption right, then you should indeed see drop in nutrients as soon as colonisation of nitrifying bacteria takes place on (or in?) the new media. The other possibility is that your system is carbon limited in which case adding more media for nitrifying bacteria will not make much different because without additional organic carbon bacteria population will not increase to consume n and p.
If n or p, or both are in short supply (e.g. zero), then adding organic carbon will not help either because bacteria cannot multiply without sufficient n and p in the water column.
Most reef set up are carbon limited with plenty of n and p. This is why I often assume that the second possibility is more likely than the first. Again, I may be wrong in this assumption.
Hi Matt,
I agree with DiscusHeckel concerning carbon limitation.
As far as I know in our tank bacteria are carbon limited organisms since N and P is not a problem as long as you feed your system.
Only cyanobacteria can use CO2 as carbon source via photosynthesis the other guys are heterotroph so they need organic carbon sources like sugars, alcohol, etc. (Theoretically CaCO3 could be used in case the bacteria can use CO2)
As far as I know both anaerobic and aerobic processes requires lot of carbon:
anaerobic process needs C:N
= 250:5:1
aerobic process needs C:N
= 100:5:1
(I was told: in aerobic processes, app 50% of the carbon is lost by anabolism as CO2, the other 50% is built into the biomass. In anaerobic processes, there is much more carbon lost for anabolism and converted to CH4 and CO2.)
Here is a long old article about TOC (Total Organic Carbon):
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2008/8/aafeature3/ but it lacks real conclusion.
Bacteria needs space like siporax or LR + organic carbon. If you have high N and P you definitely have to find a way to either encourage bacterial activity with organic carbon dosing or decrease the N and P load of your system with feeding less or having stronger skimmer or even algae can help since it uses CO2 as a carbon source.
First let me say that these two articles are fascinating and practically go hand in hand in some respects. They should be read together. AND they are very timely placed (obviously) after my posted feelings on excess carbon dosing.. They are a strong warning against going too far with carbon sources..
Both discuss microbial activity (good and bad) when carbon is introduced to the tank..
Thanks you Szathmary and Wheelman for the links.
Hey Bulent and Szathmary you guys have posed a very interesting question that I don't think is so easily answered. And not being a scientist or a biologist, I am not in a position to argue, nor do I feel an argument is due.
Clearly from a carbon dosing point of view, what you guys are saying makes absolute sense. Whenever you add carbon to a system, you almost invariably get a reduction in n and p levels.
But does this mean the system was carbon limited before the addition?? Does the resultant reduction in nutrients after adding carbon necessarily indicate that a system was carbon limited before? I don't know.. I'm not sure..
I honestly think that in a captive reef, with many foods going in, carbon is often available.. But I may very well be wrong..
I keep coming back to what you said, Bulent about the addition of siporax, live rock or matrix not necessarily reducing n in a system with elevated levels of nutrients.. I just can't wrap my head around this.. I look at my system with a million fish that I am feeding so much food to, how could it be carbon limited?
I remember back in the day when 'plenum' systems- which preceded dsbs came onto the scene.. I watched my algae infested tank gradually become pristine over the course of a couple months as the newly installed sand became colonized with bacterial colonies..
I guess I should have had a closer look at or maybe I should revive the matrix/siporax thread and see how many people actually had positive results from simply adding more media to sir systems.
I guess ultimately, we come back to the question of proper balance.. Getting that balance between just the right amount of carbon to deal with just the right amount of nutrients so as not to promote the nasty microbes but keep nutrients properly managed.
Well, Bulent, maybe I won't bother adding any more matrix to my system!
I have really been thinking about this for a few days now.
You guys really got me thinking.. As did the links posted above.
Thanks for that!