LEDBrick Project - DIY pendant w/ pucks

No optics (most won't fit). I have 9 more boards after this one and will likely play with different color mixes, I'm not settled on this arrangement.
Looks real nice. Could you explain the part with the stencil? Are you applying solder paste?


The stencil is a kapton one from OSHStencils.com. Build a frame for the board (old PCBs, these little acrylic frames, etc), tape it down, align, and then use a putty knife to "print" the stencil by simply applying a squeegee like action. In this case I used a (very expired, like 5 years out of date :hmm5:) jar of Kester SAC305+EM907 paste. Lift the stencil up carefully, and then just use tweezers to place parts on top of the paste.

I may have one cold thermal pad on my board I may have to touch up after running some thermal tests. More on that later.
Running some thermal and output tests using three channels running at design-maximum output (750mA). I'm also monitoring PAR output using a Apogee PAR sensor (multiple: x5). There is no thermal paste or other gap-filler material between the PCB and the heatsink, as a baseline measurement.


PAR sensor, at 6 inches, centered. Don't consider this absolute, its mainly to check for thermal-related output reduction.


Output levels, holding steady for 30 minutes so far:



No fan, two channels running. The top-right royal blue has the highest measurable temperature from the (hacked to 320x240) FLIR-E4. This is a close approximate of die temperature - IR is going to be limited by the silicone lens of course.

Note that shiny aluminum heatsinks are not directly measurable using IR - in later images I've placed pieces of black electrical tape over sections of the heatsink to provide a better radiator. Ambient is approximately 18C in all of these images.


Three channels operating - sorry about the funny angle, I had already setup the PAR test at this point. Low-CFM Panaflo is running at 9V (basically inaudible)


Side of the heatsink with electrical tape to get a temperature read.

What are U1 and C1 for????
nice toys btw..

U1 is an MCP9808 I2C digital temp sensor, C1 is the bypass cap for it.

Been building the lab up over many years, with some very very lucky finds (such as the "shows ERR, must be broken" 3458A which just needed new backup batteries :) )
Been building the lab up over many years, with some very very lucky finds (such as the "shows ERR, must be broken" 3458A which just needed new backup batteries :) )
Love when that happens..
BTW: A toy you need.. ;)

I would think it could, w/ the proper programming do "par"
Of course it also needs a remote sensor..
Isn't that sort of like putting a drink in front of an alcoholic? :p

Agreed tho - some very nice toys you have there!


I think alcoholics actually have more self restraint than electronics junkies :lolspin: now I need one of those.......
hmmm wonder if someone has a cheaper add on version of that to a cell phone. I mean I know you can add a spectrometer reader to a cell phone, but I'm curious if it can accurate measure the actual energy output.
Think I found an O2Surplus project ...



The spectrograph design:

contains a ~0.2mm printed slit
400-700nm (approx) spectral range
Variable spectral resolution (~3.3nm @400nm, ~1.8nm @ 700nm), not accounting for the PSF
1000 line-per-mm diffraction grating (cut into a 4mm wide strip, and inserted into the spectrograph flush with the slit aperture)
3D printable on an inexpensive printer
Very small size — about 1cm wide x 2cm long x 3cm tall.

With a spectrometer you’re often battling for SNR, and have to worry about stray light. Although these pictures don’t show it, the spectrograph has to be spray painted with a flat matte black paint to get any kind of performance.

Example Data:
I connected the open mini spectrometer to an Arduino Uno, and wrote a quick sketch to acquire spectral data and send it serially to a Processing sketch. Let’s have a look at some data collected from the instrument from two light sources — the first a white LED, and the second a red laser diode.

Looks great! I have a thread kicking around here somewhere with the same layout, but I was lazy and used the Lumias. I came to give some advice now that its been about a year since they have been running.


Anything that was exposed and about 24 inches off regular flowing saltwater, nothing crazy, has produced enough corrosion to make some of the channels inoperable. Especially where the molex connecters go into the boards, and the wires where they go into the connectors.

Of course, anything under 24" was much worse.

My work around has been to cover every exposed connector with liquid electrical tape.

Obviously, if I had built an enclosure with a water tight glass panel this would have been optimal....but I underestimated the effect of the corrosion so high off the water with the molex connectors.

And of course...any leds I didnt have protected behind a lens suffered as the solder immediately went bad.
Thanks for the note - corrosion is something I want to watch for of course. The upside is I am on entirely gold plate connectors, but that has limited effect. I am considering adding an acrylic shield directly under the LED cluster.
In my experience a splash shield is NOT an option when saltwater is in play! there are exceptions like mounting things on the ceiling with really narrow optics or potting the whole assembly in optical silicone but that's not an option for most of us .....
I have some exposed PCBs in the hood with no conformal coats or anything which don't seem to suffer a problem, but its totally something to watch for.