I've had a reef setup since '95 or '96. I started with VHO on an IceCap 660 and they worked well. Lots of people moved to power compacts but I resisted the temptation. I stuck with this setup until switching to T5s in '09. I ran those for roughly a year with great results. After about a year I switched over to Ecoxotic Panorama Pros (4 white/blue with 2 blue/magenta) on a small 26g reef (pictured) with great results. After moving again (military so I moved a lot and tried a number of different things). On the last tank (50g) I tried a Photon24 and again, had good results but only had the tank setup a few months before I decided to retire.
As for your investigative skills, I certainly did ask about mantis. Not if it was a mantis but rather, what species of mantis. I suppose that would have required you to read way too far into the original post though. Continue on with the intwebz policing though; I've posted plenty of dumb questions and will continue to do so in the future because as much as I'd like to think I know everything, I just dont.