Leslies Rimless 5ft

Really nice setup. How many yellow tangs do you have in there? Any agression between them?

i now have 3 yellows, i removed the fourth due to him being continiously being harrassed, the 3 have been together for about 3 years and the fourth was a purchase i made about 2 years ago, my brother in law gave my 3 back to me when he shut his tank down and i havent been able to sucessfully get the 4th to be accepted..

i have swapped him for a pair of fradmani grammas...
here is where i am with the cabinet... still needs to be sanded, doors fitted and the edges routered..


super happy finally got my Blue Carpet anemone, it has eaten 2 mussels already.. still a little pale but it had just arrived and i snapped it up to get into my tank to avoid any other chance of it getting damaged by pecking fish at the LFS..




some new toys arrived aswell so if i can just find out where to get my CO2 cylinder filled my calcium reactor will be functional.


ok well the blue carpet already claimed a victim, my one fradmani was found dead stuck to it.. it was the healthier fo my 2 so i can only assume it was activley grabbed and eaten, even though i have been feeding the anemone mussels to try prevent such an occurence untill i can find a nice pair of clowns to host in it..

i have removed the bio pellets, they have become an absolute pain.. they dissolved and started going through the 2mm holes i drilled in the grid i made to prevent them from exiting the reactor.. so either a proper Bio pellets reactor is on the cards or a modificationto the existing one to compensate for this..

i will see im a little uninspired of late..
ok so a few things have changed.. i have removed the bio pellets... they simply became extreemly annoying because they were escaping the bio pellet reactor as they dissolved.... i have seen some cyno develo since but nothing more than a liught red mist over the sand bed.. i have also put my pumps off as the LPS just dont show nicley with them on.. i am going to set a timer to run them during the day and be off at night when im home for my viewing pleasure..

i also had some bad luck with my skimmer.. the impellor seems to be disintergrating.. so im skimmerless untill a replacement impellor can be sorced..

see pic

oh and i did a 200lt water change with NSW, ironically the NSW's salanity read 1.019, and we havent really had any rain to influence it.. strange..
i have been a little busy with work, and my mother has been very ill of late so the tank has taken a bit of a back seat..

but i have had a nightmare 6 weeks,

My skimz sm202 skimmer impellor went again and due to the agency changing hands here in south africa the new distributor was not handling the warranty claims of items sold by the previous distributor. (short sighted as it has damaged the Skimz brand here locally but thats his choice), so i have been corresponding with Janet yeong and Annie of skimz singapore...

it seems after a lengthy bettle 3 days over a month i am getting a replacement pump and new improved impellor.. although im sceptical about the skimz impellors..

its driven me to get my sump revamped and my vertex alpha 200 up and running.. so im in the planning phase of a extreemly simple sump susyem

it need just be user friendly and hold enough top up water..

pics to follow...
Shocking to see this.....I do have a skimz skimmer and had issues with it.....but seeing the magnet rust like this is just sheer irresponsibility on part of a company...

shows the product has not been tested long term by this compnay...i am an user of the Skimz skimmer and i have had both my pumps stall and waiting for replacement impellers....Now i am pretty much really worried that the replacement impellers for these two pumps are gonna rust out like this....feeels like a time bomb...

I really wish manufacturers are more responsible and use saltwater safe materials for production of high end skimmer models...because we are trusting our beloved livestock (emotional and financial vlaue involved here) in the hands of thier equipments....

I have known this is not an one off issue and many customers are having issues with Skimz ....coupled with poor customer service....not a good thing for a brand which is trying to estabilish itslef.

I would not buy another skimz brand product ever... i only looking for a solution for the skimmer i have coz i am stuck with it. But the pictures of the rusted impellers posted is making me think otherwise....

Has anyone come acroos an alternative to replace the pumps as a whole in this skimmer with superior impellers?
I saw the videos posted on youtube with instructions on impeller change...now its just shabby to see them use some kinda cutting pliers to cut off parts of the pump....shows poor planning, research and development in the first place.

makes me feel i bought a Ferrari but a crappy 3 rd party engine under the hood :(