Let the scavenging begin...

Hey cody, I have two xm 15k 175 watt bulbs i need to sell. They have only been used for about 3 months. The only reason i want to get rid of them, is because they produce to much light for my 55. I am looking for 2 20k instead. but if like to borrow them ,just let me know.
Snakemanvet...I'll keep that in mind. It's probably best that I don't try them now though...like Richard said, its probably best not to mess with a good thing. Thanks though.
yes i do want it. working at the reef down under has driven me nuts since i don't have a tank anymore.

i've sent you an email.
45 gallon tank SOLD!

That is all I have for now. There is a little more to follow. I will have to gather it all up, and see what is there.