Let's see some shroom shots

Here is the mother OG WWC Bounce I got a frag from. Look at how huge those bubbles are next to that dice. I can't wait till my shroom gets larger.


And here is my little lady. Those three bubbles is so much larger than the base.
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Bounce Shrooms? Not sure. Thoughts on these guys?

Bounce Shrooms? Not sure. Thoughts on these guys?

So, I just learned about Bounce Mushrooms from a Tidal Gardens video. Then I took this pic of some of my mushrooms in my tank. I just thought thats what these green guys did. None of my other mushrooms had bubbles like those, but what did I know. I'm relatively new to the hobby (2 1/2 years). So, are these Bounce Mushrooms or just what these guys do?


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Bounce Shrooms? Not sure. Thoughts on these guys?

Bounce Shrooms? Not sure. Thoughts on these guys?

I just learned about Bounce Mushrooms on a Tidal Gardens video. What do you think? Bounce or something else?
My Amplexidiscus "Giant Cup Mushroom", a few years back when I had a tank set up.

and balled up in feeding mode

It got over 16inches across at its largest.
Here is my Tie Dye Jawbreaker. I got him the size of a half grain of rice. Already can see Red and Green. Can see more of the colors each day, this was taken about a week ago.

Let's see some mushroom shots

Let's see some mushroom shots

Do most people keep their mushrooms under T-5's or LED's.