lets see some tanks

This is the 210 SPS



this is the 40 zoos & ricordia



this the 75 LPS


Rogger is your lights on your 75...... T5's really that blue.?
Im thinking about replacing 2 of my Actinic/Blue Plus
with Pure Actinic 03
great tanks rogger, i really like the rics you have. Particularly the on the bottom smack dab in the middle, yellow with blue green mouth. If you ever frag let me know. thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8190313#post8190313 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bckane
Rogger is your lights on your 75...... T5's really that blue.?
Im thinking about replacing 2 of my Actinic/Blue Plus
with Pure Actinic 03

Actually the tank doesn't look as blue when you look at it, but all pics come out like that.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8190405#post8190405 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
great tanks rogger, i really like the rics you have. Particularly the on the bottom smack dab in the middle, yellow with blue green mouth. If you ever frag let me know. thanks

Thanks, I will let you know when I frag those ricordias, I do from time to time.
Roger can you put me in line for the frags as well.... I'm interested in the ones above as well as the purplish ones :)
Rogger when you get a frag of that pink Birdsnest, let me know! I finally got my T5s and thats the only SPS I ever really liked!! BTW, your tanks are looking great!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8188656#post8188656 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thesaent14
want to see the video click on my red house for live video
Manny your tank looks great .....I would like to try them enductors on my tank need more flow
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8191533#post8191533 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bret61081
Rogger when you get a frag of that pink Birdsnest, let me know! I finally got my T5s and thats the only SPS I ever really liked!! BTW, your tanks are looking great!!

Brett, the original colony died on me, it rtn literally overnight, dunno what happen but I had saved some cuttings in my tank that were not affected they are now growing and taking the same color as the mother colony, I will keep you in mind when i can frag it
I've seen rogger's tanks, and although the pictures are great, they still don't do the tanks justice. I still don't know why his sps tank hasn't been nominated for tank of the month.
heres the update on my 2 tanks
15g before

15g after

12g Before

12g after


and this is a frag of brown polyps that armando hooked it up wit at 11:30 the other night
damn you win by a long shot, i love those blastos, especially the dark one under the rocks. great acans and goniopora. and
what kinda frags you got at the bottom right hand side?

my kinda tank wow, lots of nice tanks on rc but i have to say you really have some of my favorite corals in that tank.

Cubano, nice tank... I have the same exact engineer goby. Love that guy to death.

Beaut, what kind of lighting are you running... awesome tank!
Re: lets see some tanks

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\#4\#4 044.jpg

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8185687#post8185687 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CiroFuentes22
lets see some tanks or any nice photos.

this is my new 12g nanocube

no lights

And the old 15g setup (need new pix)


and nemo
cubano i have an eel goby just like yours how big has yours gotten? I am making a trip to the lfs tomarrow and may be doing some re-working of my rockwork, gonna try and make some much taller points in the tank i think the highest my rocks go currently is half way up and i want to change that and open more sandy area. I can see a day to day increase in the size of my green star polyp colony, traded out my sun polyps for a small piece of erics xenia (one of the prettiest varieties i've seen) and i've been juggling around my livestock recently. Im preparing to remove a mandarin, spotted cardinal, some kind of large conch or snail and LTA from my tank and replace them with other stuff. BTW if anyone is interested in taking the mandarin he is now in my fuge awaiting a new home. My pod population crashed (they tend to go through cycles due to predation) and he looks like he's getting a lil thinner. So once gone im probably gonna get a six line wrasse that will take prepared food. Maybe something to replace the cardinal too but that fish is nearly impossible to catch and a BTA that will do better under my lighting.
Once thats all done ill post a pic of the tank post improvements.....