Lets See SPS LED Tanks!

I've been running a Radion Pro since early June (switched from AI Vega)

No crazy growth shots yet, like above, but I am pleased with coral color.

Top down

Hawkins w/ a little bit of purple in the tips

Left side of tank

Right side
nice LED only tanks everybody.

here's mine going on 5 years with the same lights:



What brand of light are those?
These are some very inspiring and encouraging tanks! As someone looking to try LED's again for my main source of lighting, I really enjoy seeing these tanks. Thanks for sharing, everyone!
Haydra 52 or vertex

Haydra 52 or vertex

Hello guys
Plz help me here
I have vertex illumina led 260
I feel my sps are growing to slow so i am thinking to change to ai haydra 52 cause i am laking colors and uv in vertex
What u guys think
Lets See SPS LED Tanks!

10.5ft x 2ft tall x 3ft wide SPS and clam dominant tank.







Blind top down shot.


Left to right;

Par38 (temp)
Par38 (temp)
Kessil 360 (no it's not really that yellow. Thanks iPhone)
AI Sol Blue
AI Sol Blue

The Par38s are slated for replacement ASAP, and we're previously occupied by 2x250w MHs. The monthly running cost forced me to change. They will he replaced with two more AI Sols and an AI hydra.

I'm getting the best growth under the SOLs.
very nice and colorful mr. pluto.
now let see some full tank shot with the led on top of your tank

do you perhaps still have any photo that were taken earlier on to show the progress


top shot

when 1st set up:


led grown sps in this tank:


latest pic:

Question for you LED users. Because of the spotlight effect of the LED's, does your coral get whiter on the underside.

Especially as it grows & shades more & more of the underlying coral base?