Let's see those action shots! (in motion)

Thanks, all shots handeld
First shot:
30D, 100-400MM, TV Mode
F 11
ISO 160

Second shot:
40D,500MM,TV Mode
F 13
ISO 200

Third shot
40D,500MM, TV Mode
F 13
ISO 160
cool - you must have had decent light to get away with 1/250th at F11. They must have been moving fast to get the background blur at that shutter speed ( I was going to say they must have been "flying", pun intended). Sweet.
I was taking some pictures of a downy woodpecker in our yard today, and this one made me think of this thread:


Here's a better photo:


Thanks Klepto - hopefully in a few weeks I will be going to try and get some more like it, but better ;).

I had to down size the pictures so it mad it a little fuzzy:mad2: [/B]

Link your images through photobucket or flicker or smugmug and you dont have to worry bout the resizing ,, much better results.
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