Lets see your full tank shots

thanks for the compliment .....

the home tank is 6ft by 2.25 ft by 2.25 ft; runs on a standard Berlin system with a 4 inch hydrocarbonate sand bed (well it use to be uniform throughout)

the equipment is lighting 2 x 400w SE AB Aqua Spacelight 400,

Filteration: AB riff 1000 consisting of AB turboflotor 1000 (minus one skimmer), denitrator, calcium reactor .... just added a AB turboflotor 5000 single skimmer ... AB ozone 25 mg/hr .... AB kalk reactor.

2 return pumps OR2500 and OR3500; internal circulation (in tank); AB wavemaker controls one AB UMP21, AB PH3000, Ehiem 1260 and a Sicce 1300 liter per hr pump.

I also have a neptune controller but only use the monitor function.

Probably need to add 3 x 150w 20 000k in the front in future to make a better photo and a replacement for my 8 yr old digital camera.


The office tank; 5 ft by 2.5 ft by 2.9 ft deep runs on a 1/2 side 7 inch deep sand bed made of hydrocarbonate sand.

Lighting is a AB aquastarlight 250w DE x 2, AB aquastarlight power compacts (blue). AB t5 sunbeam.

Filteration is a standard AB riff 1000 wtih a AB ozone 100.

The 2 return pumps are UMP21s and the internal circulation are AB wave maker with 2 OR2500 on close loop and a PH3000.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6466130#post6466130 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by percula99
Here is a hammer that is the size of a human head..


When I bought this coral, it was sold to me as a boulder coral. If anyone can properly identify this, I would appreciate it.


Impressive hammer! I would guess a favia on the coral in question.
chtan - "Humble tank". Don't be so modest. Your tanks are mind boggling. Very impressive. Really nice work. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing.
percula99 - I meant 'humble' metaphorically speaking ... anyway, thanks ... and your tank and other tanks featured here are very nice too ....

For myself (and many here I guess), re-creating a true-to-life reef in the home or any living or work space is truly satisfying ... so much so that it is an addiction!
My humble contribution to the thread. Wish i had a better Camera.
Front View


Upper right Side view


Lower left side view

Lower level coral placement has been redone since this was taken. Have had the tank set up for a year but just recently started adding SPS frags. Will be SPS dominate when mature on top level and zoo/ricordia/yuma dominate on the bottom level by the sand.
Beautiful tanks everyone!!! Here's my two year old 120..



Full shot from Septmber '05. As you can see in the above pics, I moved a few things around and the tank has done some growing and gotten more color since this picture was taken.
Hey Jon, the colors have gotten intense! The tank looks awesome :)

What equipment/husbandry changes have you made to the reef since the older pic?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6476100#post6476100 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by K1971

Lower level coral placement has been redone since this was taken. Have had the tank set up for a year but just recently started adding SPS frags. Will be SPS dominate when mature on top level and zoo/ricordia/yuma dominate on the bottom level by the sand. [/B]

For my own set-ups, I usually take about a 9 months to a year before adding substantial amounts of corals ....

I m sure your patience will pay off .... you have a very good layout for the live rocks ... certainly on the right track.

IMO it is important that the reef tanks that we set up are sustainable and not just here today gone tomorrow tanks of the moment.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6480398#post6480398 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jackson6745
Hey Jon, the colors have gotten intense! The tank looks awesome :)

What equipment/husbandry changes have you made to the reef since the older pic?

Thanks Rich!..... Actually, I haven't changed anything. I have been keeping my hands out of the water and allowing the system to mature. The BLV 10ks really made a big difference for me. Next step is bare bottom so that I can take advantage of a low nutrient system and a much shorter photo period. You barebottom guys are on to something :thumbsup:
here is a picture of the full tank view again (the pic I had posted earlier, I deleted from the gallery) so here it is again ....
