Premium Member
thanks for the compliment .....
the home tank is 6ft by 2.25 ft by 2.25 ft; runs on a standard Berlin system with a 4 inch hydrocarbonate sand bed (well it use to be uniform throughout)
the equipment is lighting 2 x 400w SE AB Aqua Spacelight 400,
Filteration: AB riff 1000 consisting of AB turboflotor 1000 (minus one skimmer), denitrator, calcium reactor .... just added a AB turboflotor 5000 single skimmer ... AB ozone 25 mg/hr .... AB kalk reactor.
2 return pumps OR2500 and OR3500; internal circulation (in tank); AB wavemaker controls one AB UMP21, AB PH3000, Ehiem 1260 and a Sicce 1300 liter per hr pump.
I also have a neptune controller but only use the monitor function.
Probably need to add 3 x 150w 20 000k in the front in future to make a better photo and a replacement for my 8 yr old digital camera.
The office tank; 5 ft by 2.5 ft by 2.9 ft deep runs on a 1/2 side 7 inch deep sand bed made of hydrocarbonate sand.
Lighting is a AB aquastarlight 250w DE x 2, AB aquastarlight power compacts (blue). AB t5 sunbeam.
Filteration is a standard AB riff 1000 wtih a AB ozone 100.
The 2 return pumps are UMP21s and the internal circulation are AB wave maker with 2 OR2500 on close loop and a PH3000.
the home tank is 6ft by 2.25 ft by 2.25 ft; runs on a standard Berlin system with a 4 inch hydrocarbonate sand bed (well it use to be uniform throughout)
the equipment is lighting 2 x 400w SE AB Aqua Spacelight 400,
Filteration: AB riff 1000 consisting of AB turboflotor 1000 (minus one skimmer), denitrator, calcium reactor .... just added a AB turboflotor 5000 single skimmer ... AB ozone 25 mg/hr .... AB kalk reactor.
2 return pumps OR2500 and OR3500; internal circulation (in tank); AB wavemaker controls one AB UMP21, AB PH3000, Ehiem 1260 and a Sicce 1300 liter per hr pump.
I also have a neptune controller but only use the monitor function.
Probably need to add 3 x 150w 20 000k in the front in future to make a better photo and a replacement for my 8 yr old digital camera.
The office tank; 5 ft by 2.5 ft by 2.9 ft deep runs on a 1/2 side 7 inch deep sand bed made of hydrocarbonate sand.
Lighting is a AB aquastarlight 250w DE x 2, AB aquastarlight power compacts (blue). AB t5 sunbeam.
Filteration is a standard AB riff 1000 wtih a AB ozone 100.
The 2 return pumps are UMP21s and the internal circulation are AB wave maker with 2 OR2500 on close loop and a PH3000.