Level Sensor


New member
Hi again!

I have bought the level sensor and I would like to ask you a question please. I have mount the sensor on the glass of the tank. The center of the cross is exactly at the level that I want to have.

1. When the level drops, the led must be on or off?
2. I use a pair of vortex and they work as a wave maker. Is it problem for the smooth work of the sensor ?

Thank you in advance


Thank you for the responce

I tried to find some info in http://forum.aquariumcomputer.com but the forum is in English only. I tried google translator and it was ok. When I tried to register to be able to post a message, in the info that it asked (everything via google translator) was an answer to a random question (in night cats... or white shocks, what colour) to avoid bots. I answered in english, but my answer was incorrect all the time, because the server was waiting for the specific german word.

Because I have big problem with the sensor, any idea what to do?

Thank you in advance

Level sensor problem??

Level sensor problem??

Hi again

I post here, because in GHL forum cannot (it is in German language). If it is possible, ask Mattias' help please.

I have mount the sensor on aquarium as you can see in the photos




I have set the delay to change state at 10 sec (on profilux 3)

I have set the potentiometer at exactly the point that the LED changes state to on.

When I move the sensor upwards, it should normally (after 10sec) change state (LED OFF). This doesnt happen.

I do something wrong? Please some support

Thank you in advance

Christos Alexandris
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the forum is in both German and English here is a direct link to the english part, all you have to do is scroll down the page to see it


Matthias does not post here now as this is not the GHL support forum. I dont have one here in North America to tell you what is right or wrong, so I suggest either posting on the support forum or going to the website and opening a support ticket.
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Why this? Is the external not good?
I have literally thousands of dollars invested in GHL equipment, and the contact less sensor is the one (and only) GHL product I would never recommend to anyone else. I was very disappointed with it's reliability and personally think this product should be discontinued. I'm not the only one who feels this way. The internal optical sensor works great. I would highly recommend using the internal optical sensor. I hope the contact less works for you.

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@ jjk_reef00

thank you very much for the advice mate. I really appreciate this. The bad news is that I have already bought the sensor and as it seems, it doesn't work at all. I hope I do something wrong, but it seems that you are right...

we dont distribute it as it is not compatible with all glass types. If there is too much iron in the glass the frequency bounces back, and in acrylic the surface tends to hold a moisture film which is seen as water and stops the sensor acting correctly.

Having said that the units are sold widely in Europe without many reports of issue. I have not got to the bottom of why the sensor does not like North America :( I wish i could as I love its technology and ease of installation. I used one on my own star fire low iron tank until I changed the layout that no longer suited it.