LF- Corals what ya got?


New member
Finally chopped up my baketball size stunner Colony so I have a ton of space (High light med flow area) that has opened up.

I am not picky. If I don't have it and I like it I buy it. What ya got for sale?

Photos and prices please.
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Here's what I have for sale:

- Green pavona - $15
- large red cap 4x4 inch on 1lb of live rock - $30
- small red cap 2x2 on plug - $15
- idaho grape cap 3x2 inch on nice shape 2lb live rock - $15

- Red/orange/white/pink acans - (15-20 heads on 1lb live rock with some GSP on it - $40)

- Large GSP matt on sand (4x5 inch) - $10
- golfball size brown star polyp type thing - $5
- 8lb live rock with +/- 6 rock flow anemones and some small pulsing xenia, has some remnant of monti setosa and monti red cap that will grow - $30

African dwarf angel - $30

+/- 40lbs live rock - $2per lb

$150 takes it all!