LF: Dosing containers


Active member
Hi guys,

Do you know where I can find a dosing container system similar to the one in the picture? I found this one on eBay, but they want almost $100 for it and this is just plastic. I don't get why people take $5 worth of plastic and labor and since it is for aquarium and this is considered a luxury, they sell it for hundreds.

Regardless, if anyone know of a site where I can get something small like this,(I only have a 36gl and I don't have the space for anything big) please let me know.

If you think that is only $5 of materials and about 38 minutes of total labor (currently Florida's minimum wage is $8.05 per hour) then I want the name of your plastic supplier and fabricator. For the price, if what arrives at your door looks like the pic then I would consider it a good deal.
Yeah, you're not going to find any acrylic of the proper thickness for $5 to make that. The acrylic to make my over (38x4x4) was $40
Luxury hobby = luxury prices. I know it's a bummer but that's how it goes. It's like that in every hobby, when you want something in a certain niche you end up having to pay the prices or build it, or like Chad said use milk jugs. I remember being in the RC hobby and everything that was built by any RC company was overpriced compared to the same thing i.e paint, bearings, glue etc etc.
LOL Alright John, I can sense that I stroke a nerve with that comment. I might have under estimated that a bit. I take it back.

I'm not looking for anything specifically made out of acrylic, as I know that is expensive these days, but maybe something similar and semitransparent for under $50.00 would be good for me.

I just don't see myself spending more for the container than for the dosing machine itself.

P.S. My mysterious plastics supplier is in China, where the minimum wage is around $0.35 an hour and plastic is around $5.00 per ton, I can put you in touch with them. Just kidding man!!! :lolspin:

On a serious note, do you guys think that I can use 3 of these and just drill a hole for the line and stick them together?

The large:
Size: 4.75"W x 5.25"H x 4.75"L
Price: $2.97 +shipping ($9.98 for 3 of these)
Total: $18.91
Capacity: 0.4gl or 1,514ml

The medium:
Size: 4"W x 7"H x 4"L
Price: $2.97 +shipping ($9.98 for 3 of these)
Total: $18.91
Capacity: 0.45gl or 1,703ml

For my size tank and at the rate that I dose, this should last me a long time, close to a year by my calculations.

I found it here.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Hey Crazy,

You are going to have to teach me how to build things with acrylic man. I've seen some of the stuff you make and it looks very professional. I have never built anything, water tight, out of acrylic, but always wanted to learn.

Maybe one day you can offer a lecture at one of the club meetings. I think this would be a very useful skill to learn. Thanks for the feedback.
Im gonna be honest with you, only thing Ive built from acrylic was the sump, which came out okay and nowhere near professional. It looked really good in the pics but up close there were a few sections with light bubbles. But I think it was due to the lack of edge prepping (even though I paid the company to edge prep the pieces).
LOL Alright John, I can sense that I stroke a nerve with that comment. I might have under estimated that a bit. I take it back.

Nah, I'm use to it. In this hobby, everyone thinks anyone in THE business is making too much money off of their efforts. No worries.
From my limited experience I know that most companies who build sumps do not make THAT much money after you factor in material cost and time is money cost.
Yea man acrylic is expensive. I ordered custom box for around 100 bucks..

I put horizontal float switches and wired to my controller to notify when fluids are low

Yea man acrylic is expensive. I ordered custom box for around 100 bucks..

I put horizontal float switches and wired to my controller to notify when fluids are low

Very nice!!! Great idea adding the horizontal float switches to notify you when the fluids are low.

I've also been looking for a dosing container.

Would you be able to provide with the contact details of company.

Thank you!
Dollar store containers. Dosing kalk out of it. Drilled a hole on Top and glued a piece of rodi line to the bottom. Bought 3 of them and just swap the container and the lid stats with the rodi line. RImageUploadedByTapatalk1422798289.975789.jpg
Good suggestions and great finds on the links. Thank you all for your feedback. Jeremy found the box above on the link below at a great price, but the shipping is crazy high.

I might go with the one on Amazon. It is a bit more reasonable.

This is the one Jeremy found. Really good price, but high shipping.
